cheated - part two

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age: 18

It's been eight months since I caught Addison cheating on me with my best friend. It took a while for me to get through it. For a while my days consisted of sleeping in until noon, eating literally any form of junk food we had, only wearing hoodies and only talking to two people. My mom and Wanda.

These past eight months, Wanda and I have become extremely close. If if was feeling down she would sit with me whilst I cried, binge watch a TV show or a movie series with me, have a karaoke night and dance on the coffee table. But my favourite thing that we do together is bake cookies. Well, she would bake them, I would just sit on the counter and talk to her. My favourite ones she makes are the Butterscotch.

She makes me feel like nothing else in the world matters. I feel so safe when I'm around her and I'm always at my happiest when she's with me.

Both Wanda are I are big readers and are always recommending new books to each other. So here I am, sitting on the sofa reading 'one of us is lying' by Karen M. McManus. Well trying too at least. My thoughts are consumed by Wanda.

I want so badly to tell her how I feel, but I'm so scared that it will ruin what we already have and I don't want to lose her.

Y/N. She's all I think about. She is my everything and all I want to do is be with her but I'm so scared that she doesn't feel the same way.

I know that I can read minds and all, but I don't want to do that. I don't want to invade her privacy.

I want to spend every moment I can with her. I have been in-love with Y/N pretty much since the moment I laid eyes in her. She is the most beautiful, pure person I've ever come across in my life.

As I walk into the living room I find her sitting on the sofa reading one of the books I recommend to her.

"Hey Y/N." I smile. She doesn't reply. "Y/N?" I say again. I realise that she's zoned out as her eyes are just staring at the pages not moving the slightest bit.

Without meaning too, I accidentally enter her mind. What I see makes my heart flutter and my stomach fill with butterflies. Almost to the point where tears start to form in my eyes.

She feels the same way and I don't think I've ever felt so happy before.

I walk over and sit in front of her with a wide smile on my face.

I'm brought out of my daze when I see Wanda sit down in front of me with the most beautiful smile on her face. "Hi." I say cheerfully. "Hi." She slightly chuckles.

Wanda slowly shuffles closer to me and brings her face closer to mine, cupping my cheeks with her hands. "Wanda, what are you doing?" I ask softly. "Something I've wanted to do for a very long time." She whispers, her eyes darting between mine and my lips. Wanda closes the gap between us and our lips meet.

The kiss is full of love and passion. One of my hands falls on her waist as the other runs through her hair.

We slowly pull our lips away from each other, resting our foreheads together. We look into each others eyes and slightly chuckle before our lips meet again.

Both Wanda and I are interrupted when we hear Tony yelling "OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING! NATASHA ROMANOFF GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Both Wanda and I were confused but also laughing at the fact that Tony was screaming like a five year old girl.

Not ten seconds later my mom comes bursting into the room. "What? What's happening?" She says in a panic. "I just walked in because I wanted to watch TV and these two were kissing!" Tony admitted. My mom looked at with a smile on my face. She walked over to us and said "It's about damn time you two!" She laughed pulling us both in for a hug. "I didn't even tell you that I liked her, how did you know?" I asked, pulling away from the hug. "Oh honey, it was so obvious. Literally a complete stranger walking by would be able to see it." She admitted, pulling me back into her embrace.

She finally pulls away from us both and turns to Wanda. "Maximoff, you hurt her and I will not hesitate to beat you to a pulp." Mom scolds. I give her a gentle kick to the chin in a way of telling her to shut up. She turns her head to me. "What? I'm just trying to look out for you." She admits and I chuckle.

A/N: someone be my Wanda Maximoff!?!?
This was requested by 350Rhannah <3

I really liked writing this one so I hope you enjoy!
Have an lovely day/night and please take care of yourselves 🤍

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