behind closed doors - tw

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age: 17
warnings: self harm
*reader is not Natasha's daughter.

Natasha means a lot to me and in so many ways, she's like a mom. I lost my biological mom thanks to hydra when I was thirteen, so over the last four years Natasha has been someone I really admire and look up to. But...she's never been particularly good at opening up to people which worries me.

The women has been through a heck of a lot and refuses to go to the supposedly "mandatory therapy sessions" the rest of the time have to do once a fortnight.

I know somethings going on behind closed doors. Clint's spoken to me about it too. He's just as worried.
Natasha will never let anyone see the side of her that struggles. The side of her that sometimes barely can get out of bed in the morning.

Whenever I try to pry my way into getting her to talk to me, or anyone for that matter she immediately catches on to what I'm doing and says she's fine and "it's not your job to make sure I'm okay".

So I'm conclusion, I suck at getting her to talk. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying.

Today, the team went on a mission but Natasha has the week off and I didn't want to leave her in the compound alone so I fought with Fury for a good ten minutes until he finally caved and let me stay back with her. I don't know if she knows I'm here though but she's about to find out because I set up the theatre room with blankets and popcorn, and I'm about to ask her if she wants to watch a movie.

"Natasha, can I come in?" I knock on her bedroom door. There's not an answer so I let myself in to hear a rummage come from the bathroom. "Nat, you okay?"

Still there's not an answer. I reached for the handle and slowly opened the bathroom door just incase she was naked or something, but she didn't stop me so I opened it all the way.

"Natasha! What are you doing?" I gasp, seeing her sat on the tiles with her back against the bathtub and a blade to her bleeding wrist.

She looks up at me in fear and immediately stands up. "Get out!" She yells, pushing me out of the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

Incorrect sobs are heard only seconds later as I hear the blade drop to the ground. "Natasha, please let me in," I beg.

"I-I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to y-yell at you," she hiccups. "It's okay Nat, I promise. Can you please let me help you?" I beg again. She doesn't answer but I can still hear her sobbing.

"Natasha, you either let me in or I'll pick the lock," I tell her with a stern but gentle tone.

No answer.

I search around her room until I find a bobby pin on her nightstand. She's the one who taught me to pick locks, so I did it pretty easily.
Her back was against the door so I literally had to push my way in but I managed.

"Sweetheart, please get out," she begs. The tears falling down her face and her breath extremely rapid. "Not gonna happen," I tell her. "Y/N, please!"

I shake my head and crouch down in front of her, reaching for the towel hung over the rack. "You shouldn't have to see me like this Y/N so get out," she orders, although the fear and pain in her voice is very apparent.

"Natasha, you would do the same for me. I'm not letting you go through this alone whether you like it or not," I admit. "I don't want your help!" She raises her voice.

I take a deep breath and blink back the tears threatening to fall as she tries to move away. "Stay still," I order, but not to my surprise, she doesn't listen.

I rest the towel on her arms as I firmly take a hold of her hands. "Listen to me," I speak calmly, yet she still tries to push me away. "Listen to me," I order.

"Mom! Listen to me!" I raise my voice sternly, not realising my slip up until she finally looks me in the eye. "What did you say?" She wipes her tears on her shoulder.

I swallow harshly. Now what I'm meant to say?

"You're the only person in my life that resembles a mother figure, and yes I see you as my mom, therefore I am not going to let you hurt yourself. Whether you believe me or not, you are worth every single good thing that life has to offer and I am going to spend every waking minute helping you see that. You're past does not define who you are today. Neither do your mistakes, or your failures or what other people say or think. You are the most important person in my life and the biggest inspiration for me so I am not going to sit around and watch you let yourself think you are anything but incredible!"

I take a deep breath after my ramble, "I don't know if any of that made sense, I was just speaking my mind."

Despite her state, a small smile curls onto her lips. "Thank you," she says as tears slip down her cheeks. I smile and nod. "Can you please let me help you?" I ask. Finally, she nods.

I help her stand up to sit on the counter as I clean up her wounds. When I'm done she gets down and wraps her arms around me, her tears dropping down onto my shoulder.

"I love you my sweet girl," she says. "I love you too mama."

"Also, if you don't start showing up to those mandatory therapy sessions I'm gonna kick your ass," I warn, "and I'll bench you."
"You don't have the authority to bench me," she giggles slightly which makes me smile. "No, but I'm very persuasive and I'll get Fury to do it in no time."

She shakes her head as she giggles again and pulls away from the hug. "Are you doing anything now or do you wanna watch a movie?" She asks. "Movie!" I smile in excitement and drag her by the hand all the way to the theatre room to spend the rest of the day giving my mom a cuddle.

evy's being mean to me


Also it's nearly been a year since I started this book which is so weird haha this year has gone so fast

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