i can't do it - tw

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age: 16
warnings: attempted suicide
also, I saw something similar to this a few days ago but I can't remember where so I don't take full credit because the idea wasn't completely mine!
edit: okay I found out whose idea it was ahah, it was Shadow_Widow

Like every other night, my insomnia has kept me awake until three a.m, but little did I know that for the first time I'd be glad that it did.

I heard my phone go off so I roll over in my bed and pick it up from my nightstand to see a message from Quinn. She's my best friend and has been since the first grade. I'm not sure if you believe in soulmates, but if you do I'd say that she's mine - platonically of course.

When my phone is unlocked, my anxiety immediately rises when I see the very lengthy message she has sent me. I know that Quinn has been struggling a lot with depression lately and that it's been really bad a certain times, so without it meaning to my mind immediately goes to the worst.

My eyes scan over the message, not necessarily reading every word but enough for my eyes to become glassy. As soon as I see the words; "I'm sorry" and "I love you" and "I've tried so hard but I can't do it anymore" my heart shatters into a million pieces and I start sobbing.

I get out of bed without hesitation, put on some shoes and a jacket and try to call her. "Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up."

With my phone pressed to my ear and tears streaming down my face, I go into my moms room and wake her up.

"Mom, please get up," I choke, shaking her awake. Her eyes open slowly as she groans. "Y/N? What's wrong?" She questions in a groggy voice, turning on her lamp. "I need to get to Quinn. Can you please drive me?" I ask, calling her again after she didn't pick up.

"What happened?" She frowns, getting out of bed anyway and walking into her closet. "She—she sent me a message saying that she couldn't do it anymore and—and she said she was sorry and that she loved me but mom I-I can't lose her."

Mom walks out of her closet with a jacket and shoes. "Where is she?" She asks in a worried voice. "I-I don't know. She's not answering," I cry. "Okay honey," She coos, wiping my tears, "Do you have her location or anything?"

"She shared her location with me a couple days ago, it might still be on," I remember, immediately checking Find my iPhone.

"It says she's only five minutes away from here but that was fifteen minutes ago," I explain. "Okay, let's go," She speaks softly, probably to try and calm me down. I nod and follow her out to the car.

"What if she already did it?" I panic as mom starts to engine. "Detka, let's just get there first. Quinn is already going to be scared so you need to try and be as calm as possible," She says. "Okay," I nod, my bottom lip quivering slightly.

We get to the bridge where her location last was and see a few people standing around. Then I spot Quinn. She's on the other side of the railing.

"Y/N Romanoff, I need you to listen to me for a moment. I know you want to help her and I'm not saying you can't, but don't you dare step over the railing. I can not risk losing you. Okay?"

I don't verbally answer her because I'm not going to make a promise that I can't keep. So, I nod instead.

I get out of the car and make my way over to Quinn.

"Quinn," I say quietly. Her head whips around to me as she holds on tightly to the railing. She starts sobbing.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I don't want to die. I thought I did but I don't and I'm scared to move because I don't want to fall," She cries. "Okay, okay. It'll be okay. Can you take my hand, I'll help you?" I offer in a calm tone, tears still falling from my cheeks though. She nods and tries take my hand, but it causes her foot to slip slightly.

A squeal of fear escapes her and I reach for her hand. Luckily she gets her grip back. "I-I can't do it Y/N," She chokes. "Yes you can Quinn," I assure her, but she just shakes her head in response.

I let out a shaky breath. "Would it help if I came over that side and helped you?" I offer. She hesitates before nodding.

My head turns back to my mom in the car, remembering what she told me, but still I start to climb over the rail. I hear moms car door open and slam shut as I do so.

My grip on the rail is strong as I look down at the road below me. "Shit," I mumble under my breath, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Okay, how are we gonna do this?" I ponder as my heart beats out of my chest. "Y/N," I hear my moms voice from behind me. I can't tell if she's mad at me or just scared. Truthfully I'm scared shitless right now too.

"Quinn, my mom can help you from that side and I'll be here just incase," I tell her, hoping that my mom will go along with it. I know I've put her in a very difficult position right now. Quinn needs to be pulled back over first because I know that she won't move unless I'm here.

I turn my head back to my mom and look at her with a hopeful smile even though the look in my eyes probably is telling her the complete opposite.

"It's okay," I tell her. "We can help Quinn first. I'll be fine."

She looks at me fearfully, before very hesitantly obliging. She's trusting you Y/N, don't screw this up. I say in my head.

"Quinn, honey, I'm going to lift you over and Y/N is right beside you if you need to take her hand, okay?" She speaks softly. "Okay," Quinn mumbles.

She picks her up from under her arms and lifts her over the railing safely. A couple of people that were standing around go to her and mom then lifts me over.

She pulls my into a hug and starts crying. She's holding me tighter than I think she ever has. One hand on my head and the other around my back. Neither of us say anything as I start crying too. The adrenaline rush starts to go and everything that just happened really hits me.

The police show up and go over to Quinn. They call her parents and I sit next to her and wait until they get here.

When they do, the police explain everything before Quinn's parents thank me and decide that they think the best option is to take her to the hospital.

Mom and I get in the car and drive home. I look out the window and cry as mom holds onto my hand when she can.

When we get back to the tower, mom doesn't let go over me as we go up the elevator. "You're sleeping in my bed tonight, I can't let go of you," She admits in a sad tone. I nod as I lean in to her.

As we get into her room, both of us take off our jackets and shoes before climbing into bed. I know that I'm not going to get any sleep after that, but at least my mom is here to hold me.

I cuddle up closely to her, resting my head on her chest and she runs her fingers through my hair as I cry. "Please never do something like that again, Y/N. I can not lose you. Ever," She chokes, kissing the top of my head.

A/N: hi! how are you?
I never know what to write down here especially after heavy topics...

but my dm's are open if anyone needs to talk <3

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