coming out.

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If you were wondering how I've been able to keep the fact that I'm a lesbian from my Mom, I wouldn't be able to give you an answer. That women knows everything about everyone, except for this.

It's not that I'm afraid to tell her...well maybe a little bit, but it's more that I'm only now accepting the fact that I don't like boys like the rest of my friends do. Not even a little bit.
Sometimes it makes me feel excluded from my group because I'm the only one that can't relate to that side of them.

I know it's not wrong or that it's not a bad thing, but the knowledge that so many people in today's society still see it as such.


Typically, when I want to spend time with my girlfriend, Zoe, I would either sneak out or she would sneak in through my bedroom window.
Tonight, the latter was what we decided on.
It's already nearing eleven P.M. so the chances of us getting caught are very slim.

Being aware of the fact that I'm not out to anyone yet, Zoe has shown me an abundant amount of grace over the last couple of months we've been together and has not once pushed me to tell anyone before I've felt ready.

The two of us have started to get more serious though, and I think I should tell my Mom soon.
If anyone huge happens, I know she'll want me to talk to her about it and if I'm being entirely honest, I want that too.

It sucked big time when Zoe and I kissed for the first time and I was too afraid to tell her.

Over the last few weeks, the two of us have been making our way through the 'Harry Potter' movies , and tonight we're in the last one.
With my back resting against her chest, her fingers combed through my hair as several little kisses were placed on my shoulder before her lips begun to trace up my neck.

"Angel, can I tell you something?" She asked, her voice hoarse as I feel her breath on my neck.

"Always," I answered, my chest rising and falling at a faster rate than usual.

"I love you." She whispered.

I turned myself around as soon as the words fall past her lips. "You really mean that?" I asked, a wide smile curing upon my own lips.
"It's an understatement, really."

The two of us share a giggle before I press my lips to hers. When I pull back away, I rest my forehead against hers. "I love you, too."

I go to kiss her once again, but am startled by the clearing of someone's throat.
My eyes blew wide open as I whip my head around to my bedroom door and spotted my Mom leaning up against the frame.

A smirk rests on her face, and it should provide me with some sense of comfort. However, that isn't the case.

"I've had a lot of awkward moments in my life, but this happens to be one of the worst," Zoe broke the silence first, her tone laced with humour.

All three of us share a slight chuckle.

"I'm Zoe by the way," she proceeded to introduce herself.

"It's nice to finally meet you Zoe. I'm Natasha, but you can just call me Nat," Mom smiled.
"Hold on, what do you mean by finally?" I asked. My pride won't be able to handle it if she's about to tell me that she's known about my girlfriend all along.

"It's very cute that you think you can hide something like this from me," she started, quirking an eyebrow, "but I've known that you've been sneaking someone in for at least a month now."

I groaned. "Damn it."

She smiled. "Zoe, would you mind giving us a moment?"

My girlfriend nodded as I stood from the bed and headed out into the hall with Mom.
"So, you have a girlfriend?" She smirked.
"I do," I answered, my heart racing at the fear that she's going to begin to view me different.

Bringing her hands to cup my face, her expression softened. "Can you please stop growing up now? I mean, I'm very happy, but I want you to remain my little girl forever."

A sigh of relief fell past my lips. Then the tears came. It's so nice to finally have this out in the open. "I will try."

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