powerpoint night

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Age: 16

PowerPoint night. Something we all dread, but also love. We only do it once every six months, which truthfully is probably enough because none of us hold back and someone always has their feelings hurt but you know...

Participating in PowerPoint means you pretty much sign up for the chance to be bullied.

Coming up with ideas for tonight has been my main priority for the last few weeks. Yes, I had way better things to do with my time but to me, this was the most important.

"Alright who's going first?" Stark asks. "I will!" Pietro, Peter, Shuri and I all yell at once.
"Okay uh, little Romanoff you're up first," he decides. "Yay!" I squeal.

I stand up from the couch and quickly connect my laptop to the tv. As soon as it does the words 'WHICH TAYLOR SWIFT SONG DEFINES YOUR PERSONALITY AND WHY' comes up on the screen.

A few groans fill the room, mainly from Tony and Steve. Those two are too proud to acknowledge how amazing her music is.

I click the next button and Bruce's slide is first.

Right Where You Left Me
"Dude, don't get me wrong I love you but you suck at relationships and my mom deserved better. You're the antagonist in the song," I shrug.
"Y/N, really?" My mom whines. "Yes really. There's no rules, remember."

Next is Wanda. Paper Rings. "This is basically just because I want you to marry me when we're older please and thank you," I speak fast. A smile curls onto my girlfriends lips as her cheeks blush red. A few "aw's" are heard from everyone else.

Clint. The Archer. "Not gonna lie man, this is simply because of the title. The song it's self has nothing to do with it."

Peter. Shake It Off. "I've seen you dancing in your room to this more times than I can count and now I just associate it with you."

Natasha aka Mom. The Man. "You're just a badass to be honest and nobody else in this room has the guts to do the things you've done. You're an amazing role model to every single woman and do not let the opinions of idiotic men define who you are. Also pretty sure you're the glue that holds the team together. Also I wanna be more like you. Also I love you so much, okay moving on."

A huge smile wipes over her face, "I love you too."

Yelena. Vigilante Shit. "I think the title says enough."

Once I was done with my PowerPoint, Shuri went next and then so on until we got to my mom.
"Things I've found out about every single one of you against my will."

This is going to fun.

"Starting with Tony. I was saw you and Pepper going at it in the back of your car. Was not a sight for sore eyes. I will holding it against you both for the rest of your lives."

"Y/N. The night you came home high, you didn't recognise me and started me telling details I'd rather not know about you and Wanda."

"Scott. You used to play the trumpet in your school marching band. I was shown videos and I am forever traumatised. You were terrible."

"Maria. This isn't really about you personally but I once read fanfiction about us and my god it was not pretty and unfortunately I am scarred for life."

"Clint. When Lila was six, I came to visit you and Laura unannounced and she opened the door and said you were busy. I asked why. Her words were 'Mom and Dad told me they're going to wrestle in their bedroom and I'm not allowed to see them until they come back downstairs' not only did I hear you, but you let your six year old open the front door."

"Parker. Before you joined the team you had posters on Stark, Cap and I on your bedroom wall."

Finally she had finished. Mom's seemed to go on for the longest and there were somethings said about others that I do not feeling comfortable even thinking about ever again. But anyways...

We all ordered pizza and decided to watch a movie as a team which is something we haven't done in way too long. These people are my home and spending time with them is honestly one of my favourite things in the world.

I sat between Mom and Maria whilst Little Women was playing on the tv. How was convinced the boys to watch this? I have no idea. But truthfully I think they're enjoying it. Especially Thor and Peter.

Mom wraps an arm around my back and pulls me into her. "I want you to know that I'm so proud of you, Y/N. I love you more than anything else in the world."

entering back into my marvel era and I'm so happy about it

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