acting out

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Okay yes, some people would say that I'm just being 'overprotective', but I've been quite worried about my daughter lately.
In the last three to four months she's changed so much. I understand that people change and they grow up, but it's like she's lost herself.

Y/N never struck me as the type to be bringing home different boys every week, or to be coming home at five o'clock in the morning completely wasted at least twice a week. But somehow she's become that person, and it's not that I'm mad or disappointed. Not at all. I'm just concerned that there's something going on that lies deeper than what's on the surface.

I've tried, multiple times, to get Y/N to talk to me but lately I haven't even been getting a 'good morning'. I've told her that everything that she's doing isn't good for her but every time it's bought up, she walks out of the room. I know that telling your child that they shouldn't do something isn't going to stop them from doing it, but I hoped that it was least open her eyes up a bit to all the damage she's doing not only to her physical health, but her mental health too.


It's a very rare occasion that Y/N is home on a Friday night, but tonight she was. Friday's are usually the nights we spend together as a team watching movies or having a game night. Not to my surprise, Y/N was locked up in her room so I messaged her asking if she wanted to join us, 'Hey detka, we are just about to start a movie if you want to join? :)' I wasn't expecting a response.

Five minutes later I saw Y/N walking down the stairs and for a moment there I thought she was actually going to join us for the first time in months...until she walked straight past the living room and to the front door.

I quickly got up from the couch and made my way over to her. "Where are you going?" I asked. "It's none of your business." She snaps back, continuing to walk to the door. "As your mother, I think it is." I say, grabbing her wrist and turning her to face me. "Let go of me!" Y/N raises her voice. "Y/N honey, you're sixteen. I just want to know that you're safe." I tell her calmly. She looked me in the eye and pulled my hand of her wrist before she slapped me across my cheek. I saw the instant regret in her eyes but she still left, slamming the door behind her.

My daughter just slapped me. I'm a horrible mother. She hates me.

"Nat," I heard an empathetic voice behind me, "Are you okay?" Clint asked. "I'm fine." I chocked, trying not to cry in-front of pretty much the whole team - who of which had just seen what happened. "My daughter hates me." I shrug, involuntarily letting the tears fall from my eyes. I felt Clint's arms wrapped around me as he pulled me in for a hug. "She doesn't hate you Nat."


Y/N didn't talk to me for the rest of the weekend and I decided that I was going to give her space because clearly me trying to get her to talk wasn't working.

Monday afternoon Y/N came home from school at four o'clock. This was the earliest she had been home in a while. She will usually stay out until it's dark out.

I was in the kitchen making a very late lunch when she walked in. I was half expecting her to walk right back out when she saw me, but she stayed. Y/N went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and an apple and sat at one of the kitchen stools across from me. Okay, this is progress. She would usually just go straight up to her room.

"How was your day?" I ask softly, breaking the awkward silence. Y/N shrugged her shoulders in response. She didn't talk but hey, at least it was an answer.

As I finished making my sandwich, Y/N spoke to me. "Mama?" She asked hesitantly. "Yeah?"
"I'm really sorry. For everything." She said, tearing up. A small smile crept on my face as I walked over to the other side of the counter. "Come here." I say, pulling her into a hug. She buried her head into the crook on my neck as she cried. "It's okay sweetheart." I cooed, running my hands through her hair. "No it's not. I've been a bitch lately." She admitted. "Watch your language." I say playfully which cause her to chuckle. I haven't heard her laugh in so long.

"I need to tell something else. But can I tell in my room? I don't want anyone else to hear." Y/N asked, pulling away from the hug. "Of course." I smile as we both begin to make our way upstairs.


"What is it?" I ask gently as a shut her door. I could see the change in her mood and she suddenly became really anxious. "Y/N, you can tell me anything." I assure her. "Promise you won't hate me?" She asks. "I promise. I could never hate you sweetheart."

"Okay...I didn't want to tell you but I know you'd find out soon enough," She starts, taking a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

I freeze for a moment.

"Mom, can you please say something?" Y/N asks, pulling me out of my state of shock. "H-how far along are you?" I ask. "Three months. But I didn't find out until last week." She admits and I nod. "Are you mad?" She asks fearfully. "No honey, I'm not mad. I'm just a bit shocked." I smile softly and she nods and takes a deep breath, "I want to keep it." I bring Y/N closer to me and kiss her forehead, "Okay baby. I'll be here to help."

"Are you showing yet?" I ask. "Only the slightest bit, do you want to see?" Y/N smiles. "Yes please." Y/N lifts up her hoodie and I smile as I see the smallest bump just below her bellybutton. "Who's the father?" I ask and she takes a deep breath. She doesn't know. "You don't know?" I say gently and she shakes her head. "I'm sorry mom." She says, tearing up. "It's okay Y/N. We'll sort it out." I assure her, wrapping my arms around her body. "Can you not tell anyone? I'm not ready for anyone else to know." She asks. "Of course detka. And when you're ready, I'm sure they'll all be fine, and if they say anything ever to hurt or upset you I will not hesitate to beat them to a pulp." I tell her which causes her to laugh. "I love you mama." She smiles. "I love you too."


a/n: not proofread...
how are you all? hope you all have an amazing day and please take care of yourselves :)

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