breaking the rules: part two

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warning: angry mama romanoff

I texted Y/N about twenty minutes ago to let her know we are only about an hour away, but I haven't heard a response which is making me anxious.

It's eleven in the morning and she would usually already be up, so it doesn't explain why she's not answered me.

Forty minutes later, we arrived at the compound and when I stepped out of the quinjet, Y/N wasn't there to greet me like she usually is.

Everybody else took their sweet time to get out of the quinjet, but I went straight inside to find my daughter.

I checked her bedroom first but she wasn't in there, so I went downstairs into the common area to see that is was an absolute mess. Empty bottles of alcohol were spread out over the bar and the living room floor, empty chip packets are everywhere and there is still music playing through the speakers.

Y/N is passed out on the couch, an arm and a leg hanging off and her hair everywhere.

It's very clear to me that she'd thrown a party and I'm absolutely furious. She knows the rules, nobody is allowed in the compound without my permission because of privacy reasons. There are so many important files and tech in this place and we can't allow any of it to be stolen.

If it was just mine and Y/N's place, I'd still be furious, but at least I wouldn't have to apologise for the state of the place to the rest of the team. This is everybody's space and it was selfish of her to do this.

"FRIDAY, turn off the music." I said as I made my way over to Y/N and flicked her on the head in attempt to wake her. "Get up."
She groaned, holding her hand to her head as she slowly opened her eyes.

When Y/N sat up and looked at me, her eyes immediately filled with fear.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. Y/N's eyes avoid me, looking down at her lap. "Y/N." I warn.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time, Y/N. I'm so angry at you." I admit. "Well I can't change it now, can I? So just forget about it. It's not that big of a deal anyways." She says, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"Not that big of a deal? Y/N, you threw a party with god knows how many people, without my permission! You absolutely trashed the place that not only you and I live in, but the whole team. There is so much confidential information here that if anyone was to find out and or steal, you and the team would get in huge trouble for. I think it's a big deal." I say, starting to get angrier in my tone.

Y/N completely ignores me, as she gets out a glass to take aspirin with.

"First of all, I had help in trashing the place. Don't give me that much credit. Second of all, nobody stole anything. And third of all, I have a massive headache so please stop talking." She finally speaks up after finishing her glass of water.

"Don't give me attitude! What you did was not only dangerous but incredibly selfish. You didn't stop to think about anyone but yourself. Thanks to you, the team get to come home to a pigsty of a home and don't get to and relax after a very exhausting mission." I scold. Y/N rolls her eyes in response, grabbing the hair tie off of her wrist and tying up her hair. "I already apologised before and like I said, you can't change the past, you of all people should know that."

I glare harshly at Y/N, trying to ignore the fact that her words stung. People have reminded me of that a lot in my lifetime, but it coming from my own daughter hurts a lot more.

"Clean it up. All of it. I'm going to do my mission report and you better be done by the time I'm finished." I order, making my way out and back upstairs to my office.

"Nat, you okay?" Clint asks, seeing the fury in my face as I get upstairs. "I'm sorry about the mess downstairs, Y/N is already cleaning it up." I say. "What happened?"
"She threw a party—"
"Who threw a party?" Tony interrupts. "Y/N." Clint answers. "Whilst we were gone?" He asks and I nod. "Oh— is that why you've got this whole angry mom look happening right now?" Tony chuckles and I glare at him.
"Right," He nods, "I'll be going then."

When I get to my office to do my mission report, I notice that nearly everything that is supposed to be at my desk, has been pushed onto the floor and their is a pair of underwear on the floor.

"Y/N ROMANOFF!" I yell, making my way back downstairs.

As soon as get into the common room again, her eyes turn to mine. "What happened in my office!?" I raise my voice. "Shit, I forgot about that." She says quietly to herself, just loud enough for me to hear.

She goes to speak up but I cut her off. "Actually, forget about it, I don't want to know. Just go to your room."
"I thought you wanted me to clean up the mess?" She shrugs. "Just leave it. I'm so disappointed in you, Y/N. I thought you knew better than to do something like this."

Y/N throws the bag full of rubbish on the floor in anger and picks up her phone from the coffee table, making her way out of the room.

"Give me your phone." I order. "What? No!" She scoffs. "Give it to me."
"No, you can't do that mom. I'm fifteen, not a child." She argues. "If you're allowed to throw a party behind my back and have some random guys tongue down your throat at fifteen, I think as your mother, I'm allowed to take your phone. So give it to me."
"No. And who says I had some guys tongue down my throat?" She scoffs. "The hickeys on your neck say enough Y/N. Now for the last time, give me your phone."

Y/N slams her phone into my hand and says, "Fuck you," before trying to leave the room. I grab her wrist, turning her around. "Don't you ever speak to me like that again!" I raise my voice.

"That sounded like fun." I hear Steve laugh as soon as Y/N had gone up stairs.


It has been a few hours since I spoke to Y/N and she went to her room. I knew that we both needed time to cool off.

"Can I come in?" I ask after knocking on Y/N's door. "Yeah."

I made my way in, closing the door behind me and walked over to sit next to her on the bed. "I'm sorry for being a bitch to you and for throwing that party." She admits, still not making eye contact with me. "I know." I smile, wrapping my arm around her back and pulling her in for a hug.

"You're grounded just so you know." I chuckle. "For how long." She asks hesitantly. "I haven't decided yet." I shrug. "Oh great, that means it's gonna be a while."

A/N: hello :)
I hope everyone has a great day!
not proofread

anyways, what's your favourite song from Harry's House?

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