one step at a time - tw

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Age: 16
Warnings: eating disorder (anorexia). I know this can be very triggering so please be careful <3
and to anyone struggling, please feel free to talk to me. my dm's are always open x

When I woke up this morning, I dreaded the fact that I had school. Like, more than usual.
Homecoming is coming up next month and I swear nearly every single girl is talking about how they need to lose weight to fit in their dress, or how they can't find a dress because it doesn't look good on their body and today, I wasn't in the mood to hear it.

I've always been quite self conscious when it comes to what I look like. Before Natasha adopted me, my mother would always remind me that I wasn't as beautiful as the other girls in my class and that I'd need to starve myself if I wanted to look half as pretty as they did.

I used to think it was bullshit, she was a crappy mother so I tried not to take it to heart, but maybe she was right?

After school, Natasha is taking me shopping for my dress which I'm not looking forward to. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with her but the idea of going to a million different stores and looking in a million different mirrors at my body, does not excite me...


I wasn't anticipating the day I had. I got my physics and math tests back, both were a fail. Neither Peter or Ned were there which sucked. MJ is still away on a family holiday too, which meant I sat alone at lunch. Sitting alone meant I would pick up more of what people were saying. Again, most of what I could hear was about the stupid homecoming - which I wasn't on planning on going to originally but then Peter asked me to go with him so I couldn't say no considering we're dating. My Science teacher yelled at me for not paying attention and then I dropped my phone which caused it to crack.

When I walked outside the building I could already see Nat's car parked across the road. I threw my bag on the backseat and climbed into the passenger side. "Hey, how was your day?" She asked. "Shit." I mumbled. "What happened?"
"Everything." I sigh, resting my head against the window. "I'm sorry," She empathises, "We can get ice cream after shopping if that will make you feel better? Only if you're still up for it?" Nat asks. I nod with a small smile. "Do you wanna go now or later?" She questions. "Maybe now, that way we don't have to go back out again." I offer. "Okay." She smiles.


As I looked in the mirror with the sixth dress I've tried on, I wanted to cry. It's not that I didn't like the dress, I loved it, but I hated everything about my body.

"Y/N come out, I want to see it." Nat calls. "I don't like it." I lie. "I don't care, I still want to see it." She demands. I sigh deeply and pull the curtain open. "Oh you look so pretty," she smiles genuinely, "Why don't you like it?"
I shrug, "It doesn't fit right."
Natasha's eyebrows knit together, "I think it fits fine. The colour is stunning on you too."

I stay silent, not wanting to speak because I know that the tears forming in my eyes will fall, and I don't want to cry in the middle of the store. "What's wrong?" Natasha asks concernedly, noticing the look on my face. Damn it. Why did she have to ask?
As hard as I try to hold them back, the tears start falling down my face. "Oh sweetheart." She coos, pulling me in tightly for a hug.

She didn't ask any more questions, instead she walked into the changing room with me, closing the curtain and continued to hold me as I cried.
I hated that I was letting myself be this vulnerable, but the tears didn't seem to want to stop.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Natasha questioned softly once I'd stopped crying. I shook my head. I was being stupid. It's my fault my body looks like this and it's ridiculous I'm crying about something that I can change.
"Okay. But I'm here when you're ready." She smiles reassuringly and I nod.

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