tony starks daughter: part two

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A/N: y'all asked for a part two so here ya go :)
also this book is almost at 50k reads ahhh that's insane! thank you all so much

one year later

After that night with my Dad, Natasha took me to the hospital before taking me home. It turns out that I was ten weeks pregnant and I lost the baby due to the stress both myself and my dad had put my body under. I wanted to blame it all on my dad but I knew I was at fault too. I had no idea I was pregnant therefore I was still out drinking and doing whatever the hell I wanted.

Natasha told me that if I wanted I could sue my dad for physical assault and child neglect but I chose not to, because truthfully I never wanted to see him again.

The last year has been a roller-coaster. I completely lost myself. For the first few months of living with Natasha I would spend most of my nights sneaking out to meet up with Harry, no matter how many times Natasha told me off. I knew Harry was a bad influence on me and he wasn't helping my addiction to alcohol at all, he would only encourage it. Then it got to more serious stuff and I started doing drugs. Not the really bad stuff, well not to begin with anyway.

Eventually it got to the point where I was rarely sober. I was MIA from school. I stopped eating. I practically did everything I was told not to do. Honestly, I don't know how Natasha stuck with me the whole time.

Things really hit the fan though when Natasha caught me with another guy and bed. It was by far the most embarrassing moment of my life and she was so mad at me for it. And truthfully, I don't blame her. We all were high as a kite, Natasha was at work and she came home and apparently we weren't quiet. The smell of the weed probably didn't help either.
I was grounded for a whole month after that. Not that I really obeyed the rules, I just had to get more secretive about sneaking out which apparently when Natasha is around, isn't a very easy thing to do. She seems to know what I'm going to do before I even try.

Three months ago she legally adopted me and as soon as she did she forced me to go to therapy. She'd given me the option before but I kept trying to tell her that I was fine. I clearly wasn't.

I broke up with with Harry only after a couple of weeks of therapy. I very quickly realised how bad of an influence he was and truthfully I don't know why I was with him in the first place. I had no feelings for him whatsoever.

Today I'm officially two months sober. Honestly when I first started, I didn't think I would get this far and I truly owe it all to Natasha.
I've never had someone care enough to actually help me find myself again. I never thought I would have the opportunity to have a mother figure in my life, let alone someone as amazing as her.

Natasha was working all day today. She works at the place called S.H.I.E.L.D and truthfully I have no idea what that means.
She quit working for my dad the moment she saw what he did to me.
Anyways, I wanted to surprise her when she got home as a way of saying thank you. So I cleaned up the apartment and did all the washing. I made dinner which I'd never actually done before and it tasted awful, so I threw it out and ordered Chinese food instead.

"Y/N, I'm home!" I heard Natasha call out just as I finished setting the table. I ran to the door and engulfed her in a big hug which took her by surprise, probably because I've never been one for physical touch. "Hey, you okay?" She asked. "Yeah I'm all good, I just missed you." I assure her.
We walked into the kitchen and dining room and she saw that it had been cleaned and dinner was already on the table.
"Did you do all this?" She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, did I do alright?"
"Of course you did. Thank you sweetheart." She smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead.

We sat down and ate dinner and talked about each other's days.
"Oh guess what!" I enthuse. "What?" Natasha excitedly says, matching my energy level. "I'm officially two months sober today."
Natasha smiled bigger than I'd even seen her smile before and I noticed she started to tear up. She got off her chair and walked around and hugged me so tightly I almost couldn't breathe. "Natasha, I-I need to breathe."
"Oh sorry. I'm so so so proud of you Y/N." She said, cupping my cheeks with her hands.
"Thank you." I mumble.

After dinner we sat down and ate so much chocolate we felt sick whilst binge watching the Twilight series. "I love you Mama." I say. I'd never actually called Natasha by anything other than her name before so this took her by surprise.
"I love you too." She smiled.

A/N: helloooo
hope you have a lovely day/night :)

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