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age: 14
warnings: sexual assault, vomiting, teen pregnancy

"Mommm?" I drag out, as I make my way into the living room where her and Steve were sat having a conversation on the couch. "What do you want?" She chuckles, knowing that I'm going to ask something by my tone. "Can I go to a party tonight?"
"Absolutely not." She says, turning her head back to Steve. "What? Why?" I whine.

"Who's throwing this party?" She asks. "Some senior. I don't know him personally." I shrug. "Yeah," She laughs, "No, you're not going."

"Please?" I pout, "Sydney invited me to go with her and I really wanna go."
"Y/N, no is your final answer. I'm not discussing it with you anymore." Mom scolds. "I'll do all the laundry and dishes for a month?"
"Stop arguing with me. Do you know how irresponsible it is for me to let my fourteen year old daughter to go to a party with a bunch of seniors whom she doesn't even know?" She says, I can hear her getting angry. "Fine." I scoff, rolling my eyes before making my way back to bedroom.


After mom had told me no, I wasn't going to go, until Sydney wouldn't stop begging me to come with her because her mom would only let her go if I went.

I didn't want to be a bad friend, so I told her I finally convinced my mom to let me go as long as she picked me up. Sneaking out wasn't going to be easy, my mom always knows if I'm up to something, but I know she had an early mission in the morning so she wouldn't be up past nine o'clock anyway.

Just as I'd finished getting ready, Sydney messaged me that she was here. I picked up my shoes and made my way out, not before quickly double checking that my mom was sleeping.

"Hey." I smile, getting into the backseat of the car. "Hey!" Sydney says back. "Hi honey, you sure you're mom's okay with you coming?" Sydney's mom asks. "Yeah, I promise."


I lost Sydney about an hour into the party and I needed to find her because I started to get really nauseous and dizzy which was weird because I hadn't even finished my first drink.

I made my way upstairs carefully to see if she was there, but as I reached the top everything went black.

I woke up again I was laying on someone's bed, in a room I didn't recognise and when I went to reach for my phone that was in the pocket of my jeans, I realised I had no pants on. They were on the other side of the room.

"Oh my god," I started to cry, "No, no, no. This can't be happening."

Even though I know my mom will be pissed at me for coming to this party, I needed her, so I slowly got off the bed, ignoring the pain in my stomach, and walked over to put my pants back on and call her.

I was woken up to the sound of my phone ringing and just as I go to grab it, it's rings out.

When I picked up my phone to see that it was one o'clock in the morning and I had four missed calls from Y/N, I immediately panicked.
I go to call her but before I do, she calls me again.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" I ask concernedly. "Mom," I can hear the fear in her voice, "I'm sorry, I screwed up but I need you to come and get me." She sobs.

I immediately jumped out of bed to grab a jacket and shoes. "What happened детка? Where are you?"

"I-I went to the party I'm sorry." She cries. "It's okay Y/N, but what happened?"
"I don't know, I think someone spiked my drink and I woke u-up in someone's bed and I d-didn't have pants on." Y/N chokes. I close my eyes, completely stopping what I'm doing as I take a deep breath.

"Sweetheart, can you send me your location?" I ask. "Okay." She mumbles. "Stay on the phone though, I'm already on my way." I say gently.


I kept talking with Y/N as I drove to the party, trying to reassure her that everything would be okay as tears fell down my own face.

When I got there and saw my daughter sat there on a strangers bed, silently sobbing, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." I frown, pulling her in tightly for a hug. "I'm sorry I came to the party." She cries. "It's okay Y/N, it doesn't matter."

"Let's go home, hey?" I cooed.

one month later

It took some time for Y/N to process everything that had happened. We spent the first couple of weeks together in her bed, watching all of her favourite movies. She wasn't ready to go back to school until this week, and there was no way I was going to force her to go. Her mental health is so much more important.

She seems a little more herself the past few days, except for the projectile vomiting every morning...

I knew it was a possibility from the moment she told me what happened, and I never ruled it out, but I was really hoping that whoever hurt her used protection.


When Y/N woke up for school this morning and ran straight to the bathroom, I knew I had to mention something to her. I grabbed a pregnancy test that I had bought a few days ago just in case and slid it into the pocket of my hoodie.

After she'd stopped throwing up, I brushed the hair out of her face and asked, "You okay now?"
Y/N nods, leaning her head back against the wall.

"Sweetheart?" I sigh. "Yeah?"
"When was the last time you had your period?"

Y/N brings her head back to look at me. "I think it's late, why?" She asked, before a look of understanding washes over face. "I can't be." She shakes her head. "I'm not saying you are, but maybe just take a test. Just to be sure." I encourage her gently.

"You know whatever the outcome, I'll support whatever decision you make. It's your choice." I assure her as we wait for the results. "Thank you." She smiles nervously.

When she picked up the test to see that she was pregnant, she immediately burst into tears and collapsed on the floor. "It will be okay детка. Mama's here." I coo, holding her tightly in my arms as she sobbed into my shoulder.

After she stopped crying, she wanted to take a couple more tests just to make sure. All three of them came out positive.

"I can't do it mama, I don't want it." She admits, silent tears rolling down her face. "Okay," I nod, "That's okay sweetheart. Like I said, it's your choice. You have the right to decide what happens to your body and I will be there for you through the whole thing, okay?" I say gently. "Thank you mama." She cries, hugging me tightly again.

a/n: not proofread

okay, so obviously there's this whole banning abortions thing that is happening in amercia right now and what frustrates me more than anything is, okay maybe you don't agree with abortion, but you DO NOT get to take the right away from other woman. especially as a man!!

anyways, I hope everything is doing well! sending lots of love <3

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