where is she?

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age: 14

I was invited to a party by someone in my Maths class. I had a huge crush on this guy, and I didn't want to say no to him.
I knew that there was no way in hell my mom would let me go to this party. I've never even mentioned this guys name around my mom.
I had two options. The first being I could tell her I was going to sleepover at MJ's or the second option being I could just tell her I was having an early night and just lock my bedroom door so she wouldn't come in and check on me. Stupidly I chose the second option.

It was the end of a very long school week. I got home and looked at the time. It was only four in the afternoon and the party didn't start until eight, so I had some time to kill. After saying hello to everyone, I went up stairs to work on some homework. By the time I'd finished it was already seven o'clock.

I'd completely lost track of time. The party started in an hour and I still needed to shower, get ready and somehow get the all in the space of an hour. First things first though I needed to talk to my mom. I went downstairs to find her watching TV in the living room with Steve, Bucky and Wanda.

"Hey mom." I said in a sleepy voice. "Hey sweetheart, are you okay?"
"I'm okay, I'm just tired. I just came down here to say goodnight." I lightly smiled. "Y/N, it's like not even eight o'clock?" She said in a slightly suspicious voice. "Yeah I know, I-I was just gonna turn on a movie and fall asleep and I just didn't want to come all the way downstairs again. Plus,school was really draining this week." I hate lying to my mom, but I really wanted to go to this party.

I could feel Wanda trying to read my mind, but I quickly blocked her giving her a glare out the corner of my eye.

"Okay sweetie, well I hope you sleep well." She gave me a kiss on my head and I walked back upstairs to get ready for the party.


I finally arrived at the party. There is an insane amount of people and the music was so loud. A little too many people for my liking but I didn't care I just wanted to see Caleb.

It was about two hours into the party now and I decided to and get something to drink. I knew my mom would kill me if she found out I had alcohol, but she didn't have to find out about it. I had never tried any form of alcohol before, so I didn't know my limits...

Four drinks later I definitely was a little bit drunk. I didn't feel quite myself but I ignored it.

I was disappointed because I hadn't even seen Caleb yet, this house was massive and there were so many people. Caleb's parents were away for the weekend hence all the alcohol, people and the party in the first place. Caleb has always been a bit of a rebel but I guess that was part of his charm.

After a what get like forever, I finally found him. We started chatting and flirting with each other until he said that he wanted to show me something so I followed him upstairs and into his bedroom.

"So what did you want to show me?" I turned around and smiled at him. "This" his lips met mine and he pushed me up against the wall.

We were making out for a few minutes before he tried pulling up my shirt. I quickly stopped him and pulled away. "Caleb, I'm sorry. I'm just not ready for that yet." He rolled his eyes and slapped my across the face leaving a red mark.

"I knew I shouldn't have come up here with you." He said and left the room leaving me there, tears streaming down my face. I thought Caleb actually liked me back but it turns out he just wanted to use me for my body.

After about five minutes I composed myself and went back stairs to get my best friend Emily to take me home.
I couldn't find her anywhere so I just stood by the stairs with another drink in my hand hoping that she would find me.

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