stomach pain

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no uterus, no opinion.
Natasha romanoff: 🧍🏼‍♀️👀 sorry

I saw it on tiktok and thought it was funny...

Y/N came into the living room and sat beside me on the couch as I was talking to Clint. I noticed how she didn't quite seem herself.
"Hi детка, are you okay?" I asked gently as she rested her head on my lap. "My stomach really hurts." She said quietly. "Where does it hurt?" I frown. "Here," She admitted, moving her hand over her lower stomach.  "Do you want some medicine? And maybe a heat bag to help?" I ask. "Yes please."

Being eleven, Y/N is at an age where she could get her period so I assume that's what it is, especially after she explained where her pain was.

I bring her into the kitchen and she sits on the counter whilst I get out some medicine and warm up the heat bag.

"Is there anything else I can get you sweetheart?" I ask gently. "Can we watch a movie?" She questioned. "Of course, what do you want to watch?"
Y/N gives me a cheeky smile. "You're going to make me watch Encanto again aren't you?" I say. "Pleaseee?" She asks, giving me puppy eyes. "Fine. But only because you're my favourite person." I tell her. "Yay! You're my favourite person too." She chuckles, wrapping her legs around my waist as I carry her back into the living room.


"Mama, my stomach is still really sore." Y/N tells me. I can hear that she's in pain my the tone of her voice. We are about halfway through the movie so the medication should have helped by now.

"Are you hungry? Or do you need to go to the toilet?" I question. "No, I can't eat anything right now. I feel too sick."

I frown and place my hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. She's really warm. "Hmm, I'm going to get you some more medicine and if that doesn't help we'll go see Bruce, okay?" I tell her and she nods.

I don't think this could be related to her getting her period because now she's got no appetite and has a fever.

Y/N stayed on the couch whilst I bought some more medicine to her. When I come back she wasn't there.
"Honey, where'd you go?" I call out.

I hear what sounds like puking coming from the bathroom closest to the living room so I immediately put down the glass of water and the pills and run in to see my daughter with her head over the toilet.

"It hurts mama." Y/N cries, clutching tightly to her stomach. "Oh детка." I coo, running my fingers through her hair as she buries her head into my shoulder.

Her body is covered in goosebumps as her fever is still rising. I decide that it's probably better if I take her to see Bruce, just to be safe and make sure it's nothing serious.  (a/n: I'm sure y'all don't want a repeat of last time lol)

"Honey, let's go see Bruce." I say, lifting her off the ground and reaching my hand out for her to grab.
Y/N takes it but starts crying again as soon as she tries to walk. Her hand is clutching the right side of her stomach and she can't stand up straight. "Do you want me to carry you?" I ask and she nods.


"Hey Nat, what's wrong?" Bruce asks as I walk into the medbay. Thankfully he was in there. "Y/N's got a sore stomach and a fever. She was just vomiting before too so I was just wondering if you could find out what's causing this?" I ask.

I was trying to stay calm, but all this had come on really fast and I was getting concerned.

"Yeah, of course. Put her on the bed." He says, gesturing over to the hospital bed. I wipe Y/N's tears with my thumb and place a kiss on her forehead. I can tell that she's trying not to cry, because she hates crying in-front of anyone other than me. "You'll be okay sweetheart." I smile gently.

"Based off what you've told me I wouldn't be surprised if it's appendicitis, but I'm just going to take her blood to double check." Bruce admits and I nod.

I sat next to Y/N as she squeezed my hand tightly and rested her head on my shoulder. She absolutely hates needles.


Bruce was right and Y/N does have appendicitis, which means she needs surgery. She was scared but I assured her that she would be fine and that it was only a simple surgery.

I held her hand as she was put under the anaesthesia before leaving the room whilst she was under.

It only took about forty-five minutes before they were done and when Y/N woke up again she was really loopy.

She rubbed her eyes and her face as she adjusted to the light. "No, I don't want to wake up yet. I was having a good dream." She complains and I chuckle. "Hey, don't laugh at me!" Y/N pouts. "Sorry детка. How are you feeling?" I ask. "I feel great!" She says enthusiastically.

"Do I know you?" Y/N asks, pointing at Bruce. "Honey, that's Bruce. He just did your surgery." I tell her. She gasps, "I just had surgery!?"
"Yes you did," I laugh, "That's why you're in a hospital bed."
"Woah, this is a main character moment." She says satisfied. "Wait, you didn't take out my lungs did you? 'Cause I need those to breathe."

I absolutely lose it laughing before saying, "No honey you still have your lungs."
"Oh phew, I was worried for a second." She admits a "So what did you take out of my body?" Y/N asks, turning her head to face Bruce. "Your appendix. You had appendicitis." He tells her. She frowns, "I don't know what that is, but next time ask because taking something that's not yours." Y/N pouts.


a/n: hello! how is everyone?
I'm not too sure how I feel about this one, but I hope it's okay ahah

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