tony starks daughter - tw

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A/N: you're actually Tony's daughter in this and he's an asshole, but it's still a Nat one-shot...
this does contain physical abuse so please skip if that is triggering for you!

Being the daughter of a billionaire isn't all it's made out to be. Everyone just assumes that you've got it easy, but actually it's the complete opposite.

I've grown up in the spotlight and I've never gotten a choice in what I want to do. I've grown up doing what other people want me to do and being what other people want me to be.

My dad has never really cared all that much about me. I was merely a burden to him. And when people would ask about me in interviews, he would act like he was the greatest father in the world and most of the things he said about me were made up. He doesn't know a single thing about who I am.

It sounds stupid, but I'm so angry at my mother for getting sick. I know it's not her fault but it's easier to blame her. I was only six years old when she past away and the last eight years without her have been so incredibly hard.

Dad blamed me for her death and for a while, I actually believed it was my fault.

One of the worst things about growing up famous is the fact that people are going to sell stories about you whether it's true or false. People will believe what they want to and you can't do anything about it.


I haven't been home in three days and my dad hasn't even noticed. There hasn't been a single text or call, well except from Pepper. She messaged me yesterday asking if I was okay and I told her that I was just staying with a friend. It was exactly a lie, I am staying with a friend but my boyfriend is here too.

Dad doesn't know about my boyfriend because I know for a fact that he won't allow it. But honestly, I could care less about what he thinks.

I finally decide to go home and when I walk through the doors of our unnecessarily large house I see my dad turn to face me with a very angry look washed over his face.

"Where were you?" He asks. I can hear by the tone in his voice that he's been drinking. "I was with a friend." I reply.
"Oh I think you were with more than a friend."
"What do you mean?" I ask, scared that somehow he's found out about my boyfriend, Harry.

He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of me and Harry making out in-front of a club in the city. The paparazzi had caught us.
Yes, I'm only fourteen but you'd be surprised at how many people are willing to make fake ID's for the daughter of Tony Stark.

"It's not what it looks like." I say as I go to walk away. "Don't walk away from me young lady!" He raised his voice. I didn't answer him and kept walking. I knew that I shouldn't go to my room because he would find more of an excuse to yell after seeing the state of it, so I just kept walking through the house.

"Why on earth were you at a club and why on earth was this guy nearly completely naked with you?" He yells.
"Answer me dammit!"

I slightly flinched as he yelled but tried not to show anymore weakness because it would only give him more of an excuse to hurt me.

"You're way too young to be doing this sort of stuff Y/N!" He pulls me back by my wrist. "Let go of me!" I raise my voice.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!"
"I swear to god Y/N, if I ever catch you doing something like that or with that boy again you are done for. I'm not going to let someone like you ruin my reputation! I will change you name and you can find somewhere else to live." He scolds. "Good. I don't want to be here anyway."
I knew I shouldn't have said that the moment his hand met my face. He hit me hard enough to make me step back and then kicked me to the floor. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry. Please stop! It hurts!" I cried.
He continued to kick me until I heard someone say, "Tony!" It was Pepper.

He immediately pulled away and I turned my face to see Pepper and a redhead whose name is learned was Natasha. She was the new notary and it's only her first week here.

Pepper immediately dragged Tony out of the room and slapped him across the face whilst doing so. Natasha came over to me and helped me off the ground. However, I couldn't really walk.
"Can I pick you up?" She asked gently and I nodded. She carefully picked me up and my legs wrapped around her waist whilst I buried my head into the crook of her neck, silently crying.

She walked me to my room and through to my bathroom and placed me on the counter. I noticed that I had gotten blood on her white shirt. I didn't realise I was bleeding, but then I realised it was my period, god that's embarrassing. "Sorry about the blood I didn't know I was on my period. It's been like three months" I said very awkwardly. She looked down and saw it before she the blood that had covered my grey pants. She paused for a moment before saying, "Don't worry about it, it happens. But three months, that's a long time?" I could hear that she was hinting at something but I wasn't sure what she was hinting at. "Yeah, I guess it is."

She sighed heavily before reaching above me to get something out of the cupboard to clean the cut on my face. I noticed she wanted to say something but hesitated. "Y/N honey, are you sure that's your period? It just seems like a lot of blood."
"I guess it is, but I don't know what else it could be."
She nodded, "You have a boyfriend, right?"
"Yeah, why?" I question curiously.
"I know this is awkward but, have you done stuff, like sexually?"
I nodded in response.
I could hear in her voice that she didn't want to ask me these questions, especially as someone I barely know, but somehow it seemed important.
"Okay." She sighed, "I could be wrong but I think you're having a miscarriage honey."
"No I can't be. I'm not pregnant." I shake my head.
"You said you haven't had your period in three months?" I nodded. "Have you been feeling sick lately at all?"
"Yeah I guess, mainly in the mornings." I admit before the realisation washes over me. "Oh." I mumble.

I don't know why but I immediately started sobbing. "Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." Natasha soothed as she wiped the tears.
She wrapped her arms around me and let my cry into her shoulder as she ran her finger through my hair.

After a while she pulled away and said, "I'm going to help you get cleaned up and you can come stay with me for a little while. Does that sound okay?"
"Yes please." I mumble.

A/N: not proofread so sorry for any mistakes!
sending lots of love <3

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