she's so perfect

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both you and Wanda are 17.

Fury called us in for a meeting, I'm guessing it was just to go over what happened on our last mission. I knew I was going to get told off because I was the one who blew the whole teams cover, but it technically wasn't my fault...well actually yeah it kinda was, but I'm going to pretend that it wasn't.

Surprisingly, I was the first one down there but it didn't take long for the rest of the team to start filing in. My mom came up to my a kiss my forehead before taking a seat beside me.

Wanda went to the seat opposite me and smiled as she sat down. I'm pretty sure my cheeks turned red almost instantly so I dropped my head to hide it. My mom let out a small chuckle which makes me turn my head up to her. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Nothing." She smirks, raising an eyebrow.

She definitely saw that, didn't she?

I've liked Wanda since I was fourteen, so at least three years now, but I was too scared to do anything about it. I don't even know if she likes girls in the way, let alone me.

We've always been super close and I already tell her everything - well except for the fact that I'm practically in-love with her.
She's so beautiful, inside and out. She has always been there for me and has listened to me rant about the latest book that I read, or my favourite movie. I've never gotten bored of spending time with her.
Everything about her is perfect, from her hair to her smile, her eyes and her voice. Everything.

I wanted so badly to tell her how I felt, but I'm scared that if she doesn't feel the same way - which I don't think she does - it will ruin what we already have and I don't think I could cope with losing her.

Fury started debriefing us but I wasn't really paying attention. I was completely zoned out when I felt my mom kick my leg. "Stop staring at Wanda and focus." She says in a whisper. "Sorry." I mumble quietly, trying to ignore the fact that I'm now embarrassed.

I listened to what Fury said for about thirty seconds before I zoned back out, watching every small movement Wanda makes.

"I'm sorry Y/N, am I boring you?" Fury asks, bringing me out of my daze. "A little bit yeah." I shrug. My mom kicked me leg again, more harshly this time but Wanda chuckled which made me smile. I love that I made her laugh.

Fury started raising his voice at me but I didn't really take in anything he was saying, I just couldn't wait for this meeting to be over. It was obvious that mom was getting mad at him for yelling at me when I saw her jaw tense up.

"Nick, stop raising your voice at Y/N. She knows she made a mistake and I've already talked to her about it, she doesn't need you tell her that she messed up." Mom says, trying to hold in her anger.


After the meeting I went upstairs to my room to do homework, which was not something I was looking forward too.

As I sit down on my bed with my laptop and notebook, I hear a knock at the door. "Come in." I say.

The door slowly opens and Wanda walks in. "Hey, sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, I just wanted to ask if you were okay? Fury was pretty harsh back there." She says, concern lacing her tone. "Oh yeah I'm fine," I chuckle, "I wasn't really paying attention anyways."
Wanda let's out a small chuckle, sitting next to me on my bed. "Can I bring my stuff in here and come study with you?" She asks gently, her accent becoming more prominent. Usually when we are around the others she tries to hide it, but I guess she feels comfortable with it when she's around me which makes me happy.
"Of course." I smile and she gets of the bed, only to jump back on it with her homework a few moments later.

"I have no idea what I'm doing." Wanda chuckles. "Honestly, me neither. I just wing the homework most of the time and hope for the best." I admit.

As we got started on our work, I felt Wanda's gaze on me so I lift my head up to face her. "What?" I chuckle awkwardly. "'re just really pretty." She says shyly. I smile sheepishly. "Thank you." I mumble quietly, "So are you."
Wanda's small smile turns into a grin before turning her head back to her homework.

I felt her looking at me again only a few moments later. "What?" I smile, keeping my head focused on my laptop. I hear Wanda sigh deeply before saying, "Kiss me, Y/N."

I look at her in shock. "What?"
"I'm serious. Kiss me." She repeats herself, cupping my cheek with her hand. "I-I...are you sure?" I stutter.

Wanda didn't answer, instead her soft plump lips met mine. My stomach danced with butterflies as I could still taste the milk and honey on her lips from the tea she was drinking in the meeting earlier.

We slowly pulled away from one another. "I've never been more sure of anything." Wanda says in a whisper. "I've loved you for the longest time Y/N, but I was scared it was going to ruin what we had but I couldn't help myself. You are the most beautiful person in the world." She said gently, her hand still on my cheek.
"I love you too Wanda. And I think you are the most beautiful person inside and out." I admit, smiling softly.


"Natasha Romanoff!" I yell my moms name, making my way down the stairs. I find her sitting on the couch with Tony, Steve and Clint.

"Did you just call me by my full name?" Mom asks in amusement. "Yes. I need your help." I declare, grabbing her arm and pulling her off the couch. "I'll be back." She says, before I drag her out the room.

"What do you need help with?" She asks as we finally reach my room. "Wanda kissed me." I tell her. "She did?" Mom asks, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. And she asked me out tonight and now I'm really nervous and I need help picking out something to wear because I want to make sure I look nice 'cause I really really like her." I ramble, taking a deep breath as I stop.

My mom lets out a small life before walking me over to my wardrobe. She passed me a couple of dresses to try on before saying, "I'm happy for you sweetheart. I've know you liked Wanda for a long time."

I smile before running to my bathroom to try on the dresses.


a/n: hey! I felt like writing fluff todayyyy 🤸🙃

not proofread

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