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age: 15

"Y/N, are you okay?" I ask my daughter as she sits opposite me on the couch. Her breathing was more rapid and I noticed her pinching at the skin between her fingers. Y/N's head turns to look at me, her eyes are glassy with tears. My eyebrows knit together and I immediately get off of the couch to walk over to her, grab her hand and bring her out of the room.

When we got to my bedroom, I shut the door behind us and asked, "What happened?"
"I-I don't know." She stuttered, letting the tears fall from her eyes. "I j-just can't b-breathe properly."

My hands cupped her cheeks, wiping her tears with my thumbs. I can see the fear in Y/N's eyes. "Come here." I coo, pulling her close to my chest. "Can you follow my breathing, sweetheart?" I ask softly and she nods.

I purposely take deeper breaths so it is easier for her to follow and eventually her breathing started to settle. "I'm sorry." She mumbled against my chest. "Honey, you don't need to be sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" I question. "I don't know," She shrugged. "I think I'm just nervous about going back to school tomorrow?"
"Why?" I ask concernedly.
Y/N looked down and shrugged. "Did something happened last term that I don't know about?"
"No." She mumbles, shaking her head. "Are you sure?" I frown. A small - fake - smile forms on her lips and she nods. "Okay," I say. "If you need to tell me anything, you can talk to me. You know that right?"
"I know." She smiles.

the next day

Social anxiety has always been something I've struggled with. I'm not particularly comfortable around big groups of people and school always made it worse. The main reason behind the anxiety attack I had yesterday.

There's this girl Alyssa - who happens to be in all my classes - who makes sure she makes my life at school a living hell. From managing to change my locker code so that I'm late for my next class and get scolded by the teacher, to talking shit about me to everyone else in the school. I guess that's the kind of power that being the popular girl in school gets you.

If I'm completely honest, I don't really care that majority of people at school hate me because of some rumour she's spread, I have MJ and that's all I care about. But what pisses me off more than anything, is when she starts talking shit about my mom or anyone on the team for that matter.

"Y/N, just ignore her." MJ says, pulling me away from Alyssa. I haven't laid a hand on her...yet, but I talk about beating her to a pulp pretty much everyday to MJ.

Alyssa knows who my mom is, and she knows that I live with the avengers, but she doesn't know that up until two years ago, I was raised in the same place my mom was, and I could beat her ass just as much as anyone else on the team could.

"No, go on Y/N. You were going to say?" Alyssa taunts. I keep my mouth shut and take a deep breath. "That's what I thought," She pouts. "You're just as useless as your mother is to the avengers."

"Shut the fuck up Alyssa," I scoff. "My mother puts her life at risk everyday so that people like you get to live, whether or not they deserve it. Don't you dare say that she's useless! I'd like to see you try to do half of what she can do!" I raise my voice, tears of anger forming in my eyes. "I'd like to see you try too, Y/N." She laughs. "Just remember you asked." I shrug.

I threw a punch at her nose, immediately making it bleed. I heard it crack too, so it's probably broken. Alyssa looked back at me in pure shock. "What the fuck!" She yelled, blood tricking down her lips. I kicked her to the ground, straddled her so she couldn't move and punched her again.

People in the hallway have their cameras out and I can hear the sound of MJ's voice telling me to stop.

I feel some reach around my waist to pull me away, but I try to fight them off, accidentally elbowing them in stomach. "Miss Romanoff!" I hear the principal yell. "My office, now!"

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