laundry day.

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"I'll see you later, sweetheart. Enjoy your day," I walk my daughter out the tower.
She sends me a smile and a small wave as she heads for the bus stop. "Bye, Mom. See you later."

Some would say I'm overprotective for watching for sixteen year old walk to the bus, despite the stop only being across the street, but with my line of work and all the enemies I've made along the way, I have reason to.

Whilst my daughter was at school I caught up on a few mission reports, had lunch with Maria at our favourite Italian place before returning home to do the laundry.
Regardless of how many times I've asked her to either put her dirty clothes down the laundry chute, or at least in the hamper in her bathroom, Y/N's clothes always end up scattered across her bedroom floor.

The child hasn't quite grasped the definition of tidy yet.

Groaning at the mess, I make my way through her room and pick up each item of clothing with a huff. I was almost finished when I came across a pair of men's boxers right beside her bed. The side I know she never sleeps on.

Completely taken by surprise, I shake my head and decide to leave them exactly where they are.

My daughter is seeing someone, and she didn't tell me.

It makes me sad to think that she couldn't come to me about this, but I have to say, I'm impressed by her ability to keep something a secret. She's the biggest blabbermouth in this tower. Aside from Tony, of course.

Just after three-thirty, Y/N stepped out of the elevator and into the common room where she found me on the couch with my third cup of coffee for the day.

"Hi, honey. How was your day?" I asked as she settled down beside me, throwing her backpack onto the ground.
"It was really good actually," she admitted, a wide smile resting on her lips. "Yours?"

"It was...interesting," I answered with a slow nod.

"Interesting?" She frowned, and then her smile came back with a hint of giddiness. "Oh, oh! Did you finally get some dirt on Steve and that girl from statistics?" She took a guess.

"No," I shook my head, "it was actually something I found out about you."

"Me? You already know everything about me," she said, a look of confusion washing over her face.

I quirked an eyebrow and took a sip of my coffee. "Kissed any cute boys lately?"
I didn't have to even finish my sentence before Y/N's face dropped completely. "H-How did you find out?
"I was doing your laundry—which by the way if I have to tell you one more time to put it in a basket, I'm going to kick your ass, but—I came across somebody's boxers next your bed."

If my daughters face wasn't red enough, it certainly is now. "And, that's my cue," she told me, jumping up from the couch, grabbing her backpack and speed-walking back to the elevator.
I get up after her, and just as the doors start to closer, I put my foot in the way and stepped in.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, completely disregarding her obvious want to not talk about this because when you find out your teenage daughter is sleeping with a boy she hasn't even told you about—although I have my suspicions—you're going to want to talk about it.
Y/N didn't answer, so after a moment of silence I decided to speak up again. "You're not getting out of this talk."

Glancing in my direction, she took an audible breath. "I don't know," she admitted, focusing her gaze on the ground as she shrugged, "I didn't know how. I've always found it embarrassing to have feelings for someone and I'm afraid people are going to tease me if they know."

"Honey, nobody here is going to tease you."
She gave me a look. "Have you met the people here?"

I pursed my lips together and nodded. "Right. But you know, if anyone teased you about it I'd kick their ass, right? Having feelings for someone is a natural thing, it was bound to happen at some point and it can be so exciting. You don't have anything to be embarrassed about," I assured her, wrapping one arm around her shoulders and pulling her into my side. "I just need to ask you something...or actually two things."

She rolled her eyes. "No, I don't need you to give me the birds-and-the-bees talk. I'm being safe, and using protection. I promise," she explained as the elevator doors opened up to our floor. "Second thing?"

I chuckled lightly. "Okay, smarty pants, but I still want you to try the pill, please. I'll book you into to see the doctor. As for the second question though; Who is he?"

"You uh, you actually already know him." She stepped out the elevator. I stayed in.
"I do?"
She nodded as the doors began to close. She waited until there was only a few inches of a gap to tell me who. "Peter."

This was an old one shot that I was rereading today and realised how bad it was so I decided to edit and change a few things aha. I'll probably do the same with a lot of these one shots because they're so old now!

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