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note: you are Tony's daughter and none of the avengers know that you exist.


I've never had a good relationship with my father. I was the 'mistake' child as he liked to call me. My mother - who passed away giving birth to me - accidentally fell pregnant with me fifteen years ago. She was only twenty, my dad was twenty-five and apparently not ready to have children yet.

My mother never even told my dad that she was pregnant with his child because she knew that he would be a shitty father. He only found out after she died and they did a DNA test on me.

It wasn't until he joined the Avengers that he actually got his shit some what together. Not as a father, but he's at least there for the rest of the world.

I read this book once and there was a quote near that beginning that always stuck with me, because it is exactly how I feel about mine and my fathers relationship. It was something along the lines of, 'As a daughter, I loved him. But I hated him as a human.'

People always praise him for 'saving the world' and for being an amazing father - to Morgan, but truthfully they have no idea who he really is. And it hurts, seeing my father on the TV at night being worshiped for his work and having thousands of people willing to do whatever it takes to get a photo or an autograph with him, but he can't even ask his own daughter how her day was. In fact, I can probably count on one hand how many times he's asked how I'm doing in the last five years.

Nobody knows I exist and my father does everything in his will to keep it that way.


For the first time today I got to see the Avengers compound. Not because I finally got to meet the team, but because they are all away on a mission and dad needs me to babysit Morgan. I asked him why we had to come here instead of just staying home but apparently Morgan wanted to be here.

I had strict instructions to make sure we go home before anyone from the team gets back. The only thing is, he didn't tell me when that would be. What makes it worse is that they are all on different missions as well.

"Hey Morgie, did dad tell you what time we need to go home?" I asked, walking back into the living room where she was watching 'Barbie'. I realised that she had fallen asleep, so I turned off the TV and sat down on the couch opposite her and scrolled through my phone. It was only one o'clock in the afternoon, so I decided the safest option would be to make us lunch and then go home.

I walk out the living room and back into the kitchen, I pull out everything I need to make sandwiches because I can't cook anything else to save my life.

As I take the knife the cut the bread, someone grabs me from behind and pulls me into a headlock. "Jesus, no need for the violence." I manage to say, even though it feels like my airways are literally closing up. I get a good grip on them and realise this person is quite a bit shorter than me so it makes it easier to flip them over.

Yes, I taught myself combat because after practically being locked in my house for fifteen years, I got bored.

They land on their backs on the floor but manage to get back up pretty quickly. When the redhead woman stands up, she looks at me in shock. "Who are you?" She asks. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask back. She scoffs, "I think you know who I am." Wow, that was cocky.

"Okay, arrogant much?" A small chuckle leaves my mouth, "But by the looks of it, you're an Avenger? You know, I'm just guessing with the whole putting me in a headlock thing." I finish, gesturing to my neck. "Natasha Romanoff." She tells me, slight confusion washing over her face. "Ah, right. I thought you'd be a lot taller, but you're quite small. Like a smol bean." I say, which causes her to raise an eyebrow. "Are you going to answer my question?"

"Oh yes, I forgot sorry. I'm Y/N Stark, Tony's daughter." I smile shyly. "You're a Stark? Why don't I know you then?" She frowns. "Well you see, to put it father hates me, I barely exist to him so the likely-hood of one of his friends knowing is very very slim." I nod. "I wouldn't call Tony a friend. He's a bit of an asshole." She admits. "Yeah, tell me about it." This only causes her frown to grow larger. "I'm sorry." She says. "Oh you don't need to be sorry, I'm used to it."

There is a moment of awkward silence. "Why are you dressed like that?" Natasha asks out of the blue. "Like what?" I say offended, looking down at what I'm wearing. "You're in all black. You look like a thief. Hence me attacking you." She says. "Okay one, this is what I wear only a daily basis, two you barely know me therefore have no right to judge and three, you're wearing all black too." I defend myself. She goes to speak up but before she gets a word in, "Oh and four, pick on someone your own size." I say playfully which causes her to chuckle.

"This is my suit, that's why it's black." She says. "Excuses, excuses." I roll my eyes.

"Anyways," I sigh, "I'm just going to finish making my lunch and then I have to take Morgan and I home before anyway else finds out about me. I don't feel like being yelled at tonight. Also, I'd prefer if you didn't mention this to anyone." I say casually. "Oh no, you're staying here. I need to have a word with you father." Natasha tells me. "Ah, I'm not too sure that's a good idea." I say hesitantly. "Why not?"

"Because of the reason I just told you?" I say. "You'll be okay. I won't let him hurt you. I'll protect you." She smiles assuringly.


My heart races when I hear my father's voice approach the living room. I'm so scared of what he might do, but having Natasha sitting right beside me gives me some comfort. Luckily Morgan went upstairs to her bedroom so she didn't have to see whatever was about to happen.

He looks so angry when he sees me. "What the fuck are you still doing here? I thought I told you to be home before we came back!" He yells, which then draws the attention of the rest of the team into the room. Great.

"Well, you didn't say what time that would be so really, you bought this upon yourself." I shrug. "Don't you dare talk to me like that young lady!"

"Tony, shut up would you." Natasha sighs, her face is angry. "Romanoff this has nothing to do with you!" He tells her.

Dad grabs me by the wrist, pulling me up from the couch. He lifts his hand and tries to slap me across the face. The tears start falling from my eyes, whether I want them to or not. Luckily, Natasha stops his hand just as it's about to meet my cheek and instead, slaps him across the face.

"Honey, go wait up in my room. It's the fourth floor, second door on your left." Natasha says, placing a kiss on my head. I immediately walk out of the room, pushing past all the Avengers who I forgot were still in the room. Someone grabs my hand before I can get to the door. She looked quite young. Maybe not much older than me. "Hey, it'll be okay." She smiles reassuringly and I nod slightly.

Only ten minutes later Natasha came into the room. I quickly wiped the tears from under my eyes hoping that she didn't see. "Hey honey, are you okay?" She asks gently. "I'm okay." I shrug. Natasha closes the door behind her and walks over to me, pulling me in for a hug. I haven't had a hug in so long, this is nice.

"If you'd like, do you want to stay here for a while? That way you feel safe with me and I can protect you from your dad?" She asks, still holding me tightly in her arms. "Yes please." I say shyly.

"Okay. How about you get some rest? It's getting quite late and you look quite tired." She cooed and I nodded. "There's no room ready for tonight, but you can sleep in my bed." Natasha smiles. "Where will you sleep then?" I ask. "I'll take the couch downstairs." She smiles. "You can't do that. I'll take the couch." I tell her. "No." She says. I sigh..."Can you stay with me tonight? I get really bad nightmares and I don't want to be alone." I admit shyly. "Of course." Natasha smiles in a way of understanding. "Thank you." I mumble.


a/n: hello

i was angry at my dad so i wanted to write something about it lol

anyways, how are you?

also, whats your most embarrassing thing thats happened to you? cause oh my gosh i have a lot

not proofread.

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