addiction - tw

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age: 16
warnings: drugs, forced use.

That's all. Just three days without taking anything and I'll pass the test. I'll be fine. I can do it.

Never did I think I would get addicted to drugs, but my last mission was a solo one and for a while it wasn't going so well. I was failing miserably, with my hands and feet tied to a chair, a guy holding my head up by my hair. There was cocaine on the table in front of me and not a single part of me wanted to take it, but it was five against one. My leg had been stabbed and I had cuts all up and down my arms. I'd been beaten worse than I ever had and I knew I had nothing left in me to fight, but I also knew that backup was already on the way so I just had to wait out a little longer.

I know that things like this our bound to happen in this line of work, and I'm meant to be strong, but this was only my second solo mission ever and it was way too much for me to handle on my own.

Slowly, a piece of metal was dragged against my shoulder and I could tell that he had gone quite deep. I remember feeling like at any point I was going to pass out, but I had to stay conscious, at least until my mom, Wanda and Bucky came.

Suddenly a smaller piece of metal with cocaine on it was held under my nose. I held my breath, hoping that backup was about to come in at any moment, but it didn't. Eventually I couldn't hold my breath any longer and as I take a breath in, I inhaled the cocaine.

I don't remember much of what happened after that, except that I passed out and woke up in the medbay hours later. Whether I passed out from the blood loss or the cocaine, I don't know.

Nobody to this day knew about the drug use, not even my mom. I kept quiet about it because truthfully I knew I wanted more. Well I didn't necessarily what more, it was more of a need I guess.

All that happened only two months ago, and I've still managed to keep it a secret. Being bought up in the red room meant that I was very good at hiding things and to my knowledge, nobody suspects a thing.

Except that now, we have our drug tests in a few days which means I can't take anything. Being a part of the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D, means that you are mandated to take a drug test every three months.

The moment I woke up today I felt agitated at the thought of not being able to even just take a small hit. I did my 'morning routine' before going downstairs for a while. I didn't have much of an appetite, so I didn't eat breakfast, instead I went to the living room to watch something in attempt to distract my mind.

Mom ended up sitting in the living room with me for a while, which usually I wouldn't mind, but I didn't particularly feel like being around people today.

I started to get really restless and all I could think about was taking a hit.

As I kept moving around, trying to get comfortable my mom noticed. "Are you okay?" She questions. "I just can't get comfortable." I answer. "Do you want cuddles?" She smiled, patting the space next to her. I shook my head no. I didn't want to upset her, but I didn't want any physical contact.

Her eyebrows knit together. "You sure you're okay, honey?" She asked, this time more concerned. "I'm fine." I say more harshly. Moms face drops slightly. "Watch you're tone with me."

After five more minutes of trying to get comfortable, I decide to do something else. "I'm going to train." I tell mom, getting up from the couch and leaving to room, not waiting for a response.

I spent hours in the training room, not stopping until I almost passed out and when I went upstairs to shower, I puked up anything that was in my stomach.

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