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I got this idea from @ kate.alyona444 on tiktok :)

I was meant to finish patrol half an hour ago but I accidentally got stabbed in the leg so that's kind of slowed me down a bit. I managed to slow the bleeding down but it's still bleeding. But hey, at least the blood isn't gushing out anymore so that's a win.

My mom knows I'm out on patrol tonight but she doesn't know what time I finish. Thank god. Because otherwise she'd be freaking out right now.

I was going to message Peter because I knew he could keep this a secret, but just as I'm about to send the message through my mom calls. I know I have to answer because she'll go into panic mode if I don't.

"Hi sweetheart, how is patrol going?" She asks. "It's good. Pretty calm night." I say, trying to sound as normal as possible. It was anything but quiet with the whole stopping a bank robbery and getting stabbed in the leg thing. But she didn't need to know that. "That's good. Do you think you'll be home soon? I was thinking we could maybe a a movie night if you're up for it?"
"I probably won't be home for a while. There's a lot of people tonight. In fact, I should probably get back to it." I tell her, not realising my mistake. "I thought you just said it was a pretty calm night?" She asks suspiciously.

Damn it. Why am I so stupid?

"Oh uh, I-I meant the wind. There's not a lot of wind." I stutter, in attempt to fix my mistake. "You sure you're okay honey?" She asks gently. "Yeah I'm fine." I say. "Hmm. That's funny because Peter just came in and now he's asking where you are because you were meant to finish thirty minutes ago." She says. "Oh yeah I did. I'm just enjoying the view of the city."
"You said it was busy and that you should probably get back to it?" She asks and I sigh heavily knowing that I've dug myself into a whole. "Y/N Romanoff. What happened?" She orders me to tell her. "I'm fine. It's not a big deal, just a little bit of blood. I can deal with it myself, it's probably superficial anyways." I admit. "Probably? I'm tracking you phone. I'll be there in ten minutes." She says, hanging up the phone before I even got the chance to say anything else.

I accept my fate and stay where I am with a shirt wrapped around my thigh to stop the bleeding whilst I wait for my mom to get here.

Of course it takes exactly ten minutes when I see her car pull up across in front of me. She gets out and walks over to me in a rush. "What the fuck Y/N! Why didn't you call me?" She's angry. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to worry. I'll be fine anyways, it's just a little wound." I shrug. "Y/N this is not little. There's a pool of blood under your leg. How long has this been bleeding?" Mom asks. "I don't know, like fifteen minutes. It slowed down after five though." I admit and she rolls her eyes. "Jesus Y/N. Come on let's get you home."

She picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car, putting me in the backseat. As soon as she gets in these drivers seat she calls Bruce and puts him on speaker. "Hey Nat, what's up?" He asks. "Hey. Can you have the MedBay ready? Y/N's got a stab wound to the leg and she lost quite a bit of blood and it's still bleeding." She says. "I'm fine Bruce, she's just overreacting." I tell him, rolling my eyes at all the fuss. My mom turns her head and glared at me. "Y/N listen to your mother." Bruce says which makes mom smirk.


"She's going to need stitches by the look of things." I hear Bruce say to my mom and he helps carry me up to the medbay. A wave of exhaustion washes over me as I suddenly feel very faint so I let myself clothes my eyes for a moment.

Y/N suddenly went very pale as Bruce and I carried her up to the medbay, and not even a few moments later she passes out in my arms.

"Damn it Y/N." I groan.

As soon as we got to the medbay, we laid her on the bed and Bruce began cleaning her wound as I sat down beside her and held her hand whilst I waited for her to open her eyes again.

It only takes a couple of minutes for her to wake up and wince at the pain in her leg. "Sorry Y/N." Bruce apologises as he continues to clean her wound.

"I swear to god, if you ever get injured like that again and don't ask for help I will get Fury to put you on bench rest for at least a year." I warn. "I'm sorry." She mumbles. "It's okay," I smile gently, "I just can't bare the thought of losing you," my voice cracks.

Y/N squeezes my hand tighter as she rest her head in my shoulder. "I'm sorry for scaring you." She says. "I know." I kiss her forehead. "I love you lots mama."
"I love you too sweetheart."

a/n: look, I don't like the writing in this one but I want to update and I found this in my drafts soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️

hope you have a lovely day/night x

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