date night

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I got asked out by this guy in my class who I've had a crush on since I was a freshman. He's never really spoken to me, so when he asked me out I was surprised, but I still said yes. I mean, why wouldn't I?

I'd finished my hair and makeup, but I still needed to pick out a dress and after pacing back and forth in my room for at least twenty minutes, I still couldn't decide. I wanted to make sure I looked perfect for Ryan.

The last time I went out on a date the whole team made such a big deal out of it which I did not necessarily appreciate. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but I was already nervous and having everyone else know about it only made me more nervous. So anyway, this time I decided to keep it to myself. Especially considering it's Ryan I'm going out with and my nerves are through the roof.

However, I'm really stuck on what I should wear and the more I looked at the three dress options later out on my bed, the harder it became to chose. So I needed someone else's input.
Natasha was the first person I thought of because I knew she wouldn't tell anyone about this if I didn't want people to know, and she's always been like a mother figure to me since I joined the team. So I messaged her and within two minutes I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Y/N, it's Nat. You said you needed help?" I heard her say. "You can come in." I tell her.

My door slowly opens and Natasha walks in and smiles. "You look pretty, where are you going?" She asks. "I have a date and I really need help picking out a dress." I tell her, taking a deep breath. "You're only telling me now? I thought you told me everything?" She gasps, slightly offended. "Sorry." I shrug.

"I'm just messing with you. Now where is he taking you? Or she?" Natasha asks with her infamous smirk. "He's taking me to dinner and a movie." I admit. "Okay," She nods, pondering for a moment as she looks back and forth at the dresses, "Wear the black one."
"Are you sure?" I hesitate. "You asked for my opinion, didn't you? Now go get dressed." She orders, grabbing the dress and pushing me into the bathroom.

A few moments later I walk out in the black dress and ask, "What if he doesn't like it?"
"Well than that's his own problem, but you look absolutely stunning sweetheart." Natasha assures me, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you, Nat." I say quietly and she smiles. "Do you need a lift?" She asks. "Yes please."


"Call me if you need anything." Natasha tells me as I get out the car. "I will." I smile. "Bye sweetheart."
"Bye Nat."

When I walk into the restaurant I don't see Ryan so I take a seat at an empty table and wait. I was right on time so he might just be running late...

Half an hour passed and he still hadn't shown.
I double checked my messages to see if I had gotten the time or date wrong, but I hadn't. So I tried calling him but he didn't pick up.

Another ten minutes passed and I tried calling him again. Still there was no answer.

I decided that I would wait another fifteen minutes before I call Nat, just in case he decides to show up.

In those fifteen minutes I waited, it felt like every person that looked over in my direction, was judging me. I felt so embarrassed and all I wanted to do was cry.

I didn't want to wait any longer, it was obvious that he stood me up so I finally decided to call Nat.

"Hi sweetheart, is everything okay?" Natasha says, picking up the phone after the first few rings. "Can you please come and get me?" I ask, trying to hold back my tears. I didn't want to explain why over the phone because I knew I would probably breakdown crying in front of the whole restaurant and I didn't want to do that. "Of course, I'll be there in ten." She tells me before hanging up the phone.

I'd only been back home for about half an hour when Y/N called and asked if I could pick her up. I could hear that she was upset over the phone and I suddenly felt really mad at whatever this guy had done to make her sad. Y/N was practically my daughter at this point and I want to protect her with ever fibre in my being.

When I pulled up outside the restaurant, Y/N was leaning against the wall and I noticed the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
As soon as she got in the car she started crying. I undid my seatbelt and leant over to pull her into a hug. "Oh honey, what happened?" I ask softly. Y/N only cried more as I asked this question.


After Y/N told me what happened I started to drive home until I decided that we were going to go on a mother-daughter date instead. She was already all dressed up and I didn't want this Ryan guy to ruin her night.

"Where are we going?" Y/N asked quietly after noticing I took a different turn. "We are going to dinner and then see a movie." I declare. "But, why?"
"Because, I don't want you to let this asshole ruin your night. You got all dressed up and you deserve a night out. Think of it like a mother-daughter date." I offer. Y/N looks up at me and smiles. "Okay, that'd be nice." She admits shyly, looking back down at her lap.


a/n: hey! just wanted to let you know that I'm not taking anymore requests at the moment because I have a lot to get through and I've got a lot happening personally which is making me really stressed and overwhelmed. I will be doing the ones I already have though :)

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