is it wrong?

5.4K 149 29

This is like 3000+ which is a first for me !!
age: 16

3 months ago

"We're done for the day." Steve announces, drying his face off with a towel after finishing training. I walk over and sit on the bench, taking a drink from my water bottle.

"Romanoff, when's this new recruit coming?" Tony asks with a nod. "Fury's brining her in, in a few hours." I answer. "Please be nice, she's not great with new people and she's only sixteen."
"What's her name again?" Clint questions. "Y/N. S.H.I.E.L.D recruited and trained her after we found her in HYDRA." I say. "Poor kid." Bucky frowns.

When I met Y/N she had only just turned fifteen. Her parents had been killed by HYDRA agents only a year before, and she was then taken.
Myself and a few of S.H.I.E.L.D's agents had a new lead on a base located in Budapest. It was one of their smaller ones and quite new, but that's where we found Y/N. Since then, I've tried to go into S.H.I.E.L.D as much as possible to see her. We developed a bond quite quickly and in some ways I see her as my daughter.


Just after lunch, I went up to where the quinjet would land as Y/N and Fury were coming in, in a few minutes.

When Y/N walked out of the quinjet I immediately smiled. "Hey kiddo." I say as she practically runs into my arms. "Hi Nat." She says, her voice muffled by the fabric of my shirt. "I missed you."
"I missed you too sweetheart. I'm sorry I haven't come to see you in a couple of weeks, it's been so busy here." I admit, pulling away from the hug and placing my hands on her shoulders. "That's okay." She shrugs. "I get to see you everyday now anyways."
"I know. We're not going to know ourselves." I laugh.

"I'm so nervous to meet everyone." Y/N says, taking a deep breath as we make our way down. Fury following not far behind us. "That's okay, but you don't have to be nervous." I assure her.

We got downstairs and into the common room and I could feel Y/N tense up. "Hey, you must be Y/N." Tony smiles getting up from the couch. "I'm Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, aka the best avenger." He says and I roll my eyes. "You're right, he is cocky." Y/N says quietly to me which makes me chuckle. "Uh, did she just call me cocky?" He says offendedly, and there are a few chuckles from the team.

"Right, anyways. It's nice to have you on the team." He smiles. "This is Steve, Clint, Bruce, Peter, Sam, Bucky, Thor and Wanda."
"Hi. It's nice to finally meet you all." Y/N says with a sheepish smile on her face.

"If anyone pisses Y/N off, I'd watch your back because she could kill you in seconds and I won't be mad at her for it." Fury warns.
Fury was never one for being 'soft', until it came to Y/N. The kid has that effect on people. For someone whose gone through what she has, she has the biggest heart and is so pure.

"Well, Romanoff, looks like you're no longer Fury's favourite." Steve chuckles and I roll my eyes playfully.

After chatting with the team for a while I took Y/N upstairs to show her, her bedroom. "Mine is just next door and Wanda's is down the hall just so you know." I say. "Thanks." She smiles.


Later in the evening the team decided to have a movie night since it was Y/N's first night here.

Whilst we waited for the rest of the team to come in, I sat next to Y/N and was talking to Bucky as Y/N was talking to Wanda. They seemed to be getting on quite well which made me smile. Y/N hasn't had much interaction with people her own age in a long time so I'm glad she has Wanda and Peter now.

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