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dogs wearing a crab costume

After a very long time and lot of convincing Peter, we had successfully snuck out to a party. We've been out for only a few hours and my mom hasn't called or messaged asking where I was, so I'd say that I was successful.

The only reason Peter agreed to come with me is because I bribed him by saying that I would have a Star Wars marathon with him on the weekend. I also promised I'd invite MJ over for him. He didn't want to do it because he was too scared he'd sound desperate.

I wanted to come to this party because this girl from my English class named Willow would be there. She is honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever come across in my life.
She is quite new to the school and I was chosen to show her around. Usually I hate been chosen to do that, but this time I was extremely grateful to my principal.

When we arrived at the party I immediately went to get a drink so I could - hopefully - find the courage to talk to her. I only stuck with one drink though, because if anything happened with Willow, I wanted to remember it.

Peter is very much a lightweight and when I came back downstairs after... talking to Willow I found Peter completely passed out on the front lawn, curled up in a fetal position. I noticed he looked cold so I threw my jacket over him and tried calling someone to come pick us up.

The first person I called was his Aunt May but she didn't pick up, which I don't blame her - it's three o'clock in the morning. Next I tried Wanda - I knew she wouldn't tell my mom about this. Then I tried calling everyone else leaving only Tony and my mom left. All of them were asleep.

I tried Tony first. I knew he would be mad for letting Peter get that drunk and part of me was relieved when he didn't answer, but the other part of me was scared shitless because that meant my only option left was to call my mom...

She was a pretty light sleeper, so after a few rings she picked up. "Hello mother dearest." I say. "Why are you calling me at this time in the morning?" She asks in a groggy voice. "Don't get mad-" I start, but she cuts me off. "What did you do, Y/N?" My mom sighs, I can practically see her rolling her eyes. "I really wanted to go this party tonight and I knew you wouldn't let me go, so I snuck out-" Again, she cuts me off, "Y/N!"
"Let me finish... Anyways, I convinced Peter to come with me and now he's passed out drunk and I was wondering if you could come and get us?" I ask hopefully. "Send me your location. I'll be there soon." She tells me, hanging up the phone. I knew she wasn't impressed but I send her my location and sit on the lawn next to Peter, who is still completely passed out.

Fifteen minutes later I see my mom pull up across the road. She gets out the car and walks over to us, with her resting bitch face which is surprising still very intimidating after knowing her my whole life. "Thank you for coming to get us." I smile. She glared at me before saying, "Get in the car."
Yeah, she's mad.
Mom takes my jacket off of Peter and throws it at me before lifting Peter up and carrying him to the car.

I get into the passenger seat and fiddle with my fingers nervously. "How much did you drink?" Mom asks about five minutes into the car ride home, finally breaking the tensions. Kind of. "Only a few, I promise." I answer. "Then why do you look so beat. Like honestly, you look like a mess. What's with your hair?" She asks, her tone is completely serious. "Okay, I'm going to pretend not to be offended." I scoff, rolling my eyes before looking back out my window.
"You didn't answer my question." She states. I stay silent because I didn't want to have this conversation now. I couldn't help a small smile creep up on my face though when I thought about Willow.

A few seconds pass and I feel moms gaze on me. "Just promise you're being safe?" She says. I look back at her, not really surprised that she figured it out but definitely feeling a bit embarrassed. "I am." I mumble and she sends me a warm smile.

"So who is she?" She smirks, turning her eyes back on the road. "Her name is Willow." I smile, looking down at my feet. "And is this Willow the reason you snuck out tonight?" Mom chuckles. "Yes." I mumble quietly, "But mom, I really hope that you can meet her because she's so amazing and beautiful and I really really like her. Like a lot. And she's so smart too, and she doesn't drink or smoke like me-"
"You smoke?" She asks, her mood changing instantly. "It was one time." I say and she glares at me, "You better hope it was just one time." She says, "Anyway you were saying?"

I continue to tell her about Willow for the rest of the ride home and it seems that I can't run out of things to say.

When we pulled into the garage, mom lifted Peter over her shoulder and carried him to his bed before coming back into my room to say goodnight.

"Sorry for sneaking out." I say, as she sits beside me on the bed. "It's okay. But I swear, if you ever do it again you'll be grounded." She says sternly. "That's fair." I laugh. "Goodnight my beautiful girls." Mom smiles, kissing my head. "Night mama."

A/N: hiii my friendsss
I don't know how bad the writing is on this one because at this point I'm pretty much delusional, so I apologise if it's not great...

hope you all have a great day/night <3

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