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age: 16
warnings: mentions of self-harm and suicide attempts < all past tense though.

Today officially marks one month clean. It's the longest I've ever been clean for. I've come close to a month before, but I always ended up relapsing.

A few months ago I was in a psych ward. I remember at that point I wanted to die. I prayed that I would just fall asleep and never wake up, that way I didn't have to feel guilty for leaving my mom behind.

When my mom first found out about the fact that I was cutting myself, she was a mess. Well, she held it together whenever she was around me, but I could see that she was beating herself up about it.

She got me the help that I needed, even though for a while I refused that I actually needed it. For the last year I've been in therapy. Mom took time off work to make sure she could be there for me whenever I needed her to be.

The more I opened up, the more time I spent in therapy and in the hospital. But I got better - I'm getting better.

My mom fought for me when I couldn't fight for myself anymore. She - whether or not she knows it - saved me. She always did what she thought was best for me, even though I couldn't see it at the time.

But now, for the first time in a long time I actually feel somewhat happy.

I would usually catch the subway back to the tower after school, but mom insisted on picking me up today. She said that she wanted to take me out for a mother-daughter date to celebrate. Every time I've hit a milestone she does something to tell me how proud of me she is, but she said that today she wanted to do something special because she knows how huge this milestone is for me.

A smile curled onto my lips when I saw my daughter walk out of the school gates. Words can not describe the love I have for her. Y/N has been through a lot this past year and not that I ever showed it, but I was really scared for a while that I was going to lose her.

"Hi mama," She says, getting into the car with a smile on her face. "Hi baby, how was school?" I ask. "It was good. MJ and I finally finished that science project we've been working on," She admits whilst putting her seatbelt.

"Guess what?" She says excitedly before I can answer her. "What?" I match her energy. "Two hours ago I officially hit one month clean!"

A huge smile wipes over my face as tears well in my eyes. "I am so so so proud of you, sweetheart," I tell her, taking her hands in mine. "Thank you," She smiles sheepishly, her gaze lowering.

"You should be proud of yourself too," I say gently, lifting her chin up with my fingers. She nods in response.

"So, what are we gonna do?" She asks enthusiastically. "Well, what would you like to do? We can go see a movie, or get some food, or go shopping? Or, we could do them all?" I offer. "Ooo can we go get Shawarma and then go see a movie?" She asks, her eyes lighting up. "Of course," I smile. Y/N sits back properly in her seat with a smile on her face.

"How was your day?" She asks as I start the engine. "It was good. Fury called a meeting about a mission we have in a few days," I shrug. "Can I come?" She questions. "On the mission?"
"No, to mars," She jokes, rolling her eyes playfully causing me to chuckle slightly.

"I mean, I know I've only ever done patrolling with Pete but I really want to come and I feel like I'm ready," She rambles.
I sigh. "I'll have to talk to Fury about it and you'll have to get an evaluation done to see where you're at physically, but if he says yes then I don't see why not," I tell her. She jumps of excitement in her seat. "But—"
She groans.

"You have to stick with me the whole time for my own well being. I need to know you're okay at all times otherwise I'll probably screw up the mission," I say. "Okayyy," She smiles.


Once we got our food, we went to the theatre and snuck the food in. It was pretty empty considering the fact that it was a Wednesday afternoon, but it meant we got a whole theatre to ourselves and we could talk as much as we wanted during the movie.

Afterwards Y/N asked for ice cream, so we went to the nearest Baskin and Robin's before going home.

"I'm so grateful for you mama," She says sheepishly as the two of us step out of the car. "I'm so grateful for you my beautiful girl," I smile, wrapping my arm around her back and pulling her closer to kiss the top of her head.

As we get in the elevator to go up to the Avengers quarters, Jarvis startles us. Tony has been trying to fix him for like a week now so we weren't expecting him to work.

"Oh, can I show you something?" Y/N questions. "Of course."

She rolls up the sleeve of her shirt and looks up at me. "I think there finally starting to heal. I mean, I think the scars will always be there but they don't look as bad as they did a month ago," She explains. I can hear in her voice that it's hard for her to talk about but it's the first time she's ever shown me without me asking first. "The one's on my thighs don't look as good but at least I know they will get better overtime."

A proud smile curls on my lips. "I'm so so proud of you, bubba," I tell her. She leans into my side and wraps her arms around me. "Thank you for saving me," She mumbles with tears in her eyes.

Everyday with my daughter makes me feel like the luckiest human alive. Y/N is my everything and every time I helped her off the bathroom floor, the couple times I talked her down from the roof, every time I didn't know how to help so I had to trust my instinct and fight with her to see a therapist or go to hospital because she had lost too much blood, was so worth it - not that I ever doubted that it was. I do not think I could live without her and I am so proud that I get to call her my daughter.

A/N: helloo!
this book is complete now!
for a while anyways, who knows, I might come back to it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I started a Scarlett x Daughter one-shot book if you want to check it out!!

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I started a Scarlett x Daughter one-shot book if you want to check it out!!

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