Im not gonna let you do that! -tw

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Third person pov:
You sat on the edge of the bridge looking out of the city. Everything is too much. It's not getting better and you've lost any hope of it getting better. The city lights blurred as tears filled your eyes. You're step father is abusive. He would beat you on a daily basis now, he would punish you for every small thing you did wrong. Hell you can't remember the last time you had something to eat. He wouldn't feed you and you have no money of your own to feed yourself.

After losing both your parents in a car accident 3 years ago, everything fell to pieces. You lost who you were. You had no purpose of living anymore. You had no friends, and anyone who came into your life would leave and you would be stuck with an empty feeling inside you that was slowly destroying you.

Your pov:
Since losing my parents, I've longed for the day that I would get to see them again. I try my best to keep any memories I had left of them, but I was only 12 when I lost them so the older I get, the more I forget.

My body and my mind are in so much pain, that pain
has become the only thing I can really feel.

As my legs hang over the edge of the bridge I look up at the stars. It's 2am on a Tuesday night so the streets of Queens are quiet. I know what you're thinking. What teenager goes out alone at night in Queens. You see, I used to be afraid, but now I see no point. I see no meaning in my life anymore so I don't really care if something happens to me.

As I'm watching the stars, hot tears start streaming down my face. "hey mom and dad." I say. Even though they're not here anymore I still like to talk to them. "I know that if you were still around you'd come up with something to say that would change my mind on what I'm about to do, but you're not. And that's not your fault. If it wasn't for that idiot drunk driver you would still be with me. I miss you guys. A lot. I don't know how I let myself get to this point, but I'm here and I don't know how to change it. Im sorry if I've disappointed you, I promise I really really tried. I just don't know what to do anymore. Everything hurts and I'm just so tired."

I stand up and wipe the tears away with the sleeve of my hoodie. I take a deep breathe and close my eyes. As I go to jump off the bridge I feel someone grab my arm and pull me back.

Natasha pov:
Wanda and I decided to go out on a drive tonight. Wanda is like another sister to me and we haven't been able to spend much time together because work has been so busy. So we took the opportunity that the both of us had the had the night off to go for a drive around the city.


"Wanda I swear, nothing is going on between Bucky and I." I defensively say. "Mhm, okay." "Good, glad we agree."

Yes okay, Bucky and I were seeing each other, but we didn't want anyone to know yet because we know that everyone will make a huge deal out of it and we just aren't ready for that yet.

"Natasha?" Wanda spoke. "Yes Wanda." I sighed. "Can I tell you something?" "Is this about that thing between Sharon and Steve because I know! Please tell me I'm not the only one grossed out by it?"
"Um no, it's not but we'll get back to that. I just wanted to remind you that I can read minds." Wanda laughed at me. My eyes widened. "Please Wanda I'm begging you, just don't tell anyone. Not even Vision!" I begged. "Nat, it's fine, I've know for like a week now and was just trying to get you to admit it." I smiled at her childishness. "Thank you Wanda."

After about an hour of chatting and listening to music we had ended up in Queens. The streets were so quiet and definitely didn't have a great vibe about it. As I was looking out my window i spotted something.

"Wanda pull over." I said in a panic. "Why?" she questioned in return. "Someone's about to jump!"

As Wanda pulled the car over I got out and slowly started to make my way over. I told Wanda to stay in the car, not wanting to scare the what looked like a young girl. My ability to sneak up on people has really come in handy right now.

I saw her go to step off just as I got there. I quickly grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the ledge.

"No, no, no please just let me go. I don't want to be here anymore." She cried, trying to break free from my arms. "I'm not gonna let you do that." I said sternly. She kept kicking me trying to get away. But ultimately I was much stronger. She was very thin and looked like she didn't have much muscle on her at all. "Hey it's okay. It's okay." I soothed.

She eventually gave up trying to fight me and collapsed into my arms sobbing. I just held her tightly, I really felt for her. After a while her breathing slowed down. "What's your name sweetheart" I asked. "Y/n." She mumbled. "That's a lovely name." I smiled. "Is there anyone I can call?" y/n's breath hitched at the question. "No, no please don't make me go back there!" She started panicking. "Okay sweetheart, I won't let you go back there." I said, not really knowing what she was talking about. "Do you want to come home with me?" I asked. Hoping that she would trust me enough. I felt a strong motherly instinct towards this girl and I don't know why. Y/N nodded in return the my question. I smiled and motioned my head in the direction of the car. We slowly started walking the the car when I noticed y/n was still very shaky and she looked really pale. "Y/N are you okay?" I questioned. She didn't say anything. It looked like she was about to pass out so I quickly picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. As we got to the car I opened the door and sat in the back with y/n. "Wanda, this is y/n. Y/n this is Wanda."
"Hi y/n" Wanda spoke. "Hi" y/n quietly spoke.

As we were driving back to the compound y/n fell asleep on my shoulder. Once we reached the compound I got out the car and picked up y/n as carefully and I could not wanting to wake her. I carried her up into my room and tucked her into bed letting her sleep, because it looks as though she hasn't slept in days.

(time skip to the next morning)

y/n pov:
I woke up in an unfamiliar placed. I immediately started to panic. Just as I started to cry someone walked in the room with two plates of food and some coffee. I recognised her from last night.

"Aww sweetheart it's okay, it's Nat. You're safe here, I promise." She spoke as she put the plates down at the desk and made her way over to me. She pulled me into her hug. For the first time since losing my parents I felt a sense of comfort.

"Do you want some food?" She asked. "It's okay I'm not hungry." I said, not wanting to burden her anymore that I already have. "Y/n, you need to eat something." She replied, her voice laced with concern. "I just don't want to be a burden and eat your food." "Honey, you're not being a burden. Plus this place has so much food anyways!" She smiled at me. "Okay" I quietly said.

Nat got up to get the plates and walked back over to me as we ate together and we got to know each other a bit more. Without even realising I pretty much told her my whole life story.

"y/n?" Nat asked. "Mhm?" "How would you like to stay with me for a while?" My eyes lit up. I've not even known Nat for a day, but something about her reminded me of my mom and I felt so safe with her. "I mean are you sure? I don't want to burden you?" "Y/N, sweetheart you're not going to burden me! It would be my pleasure!" She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

safe to say y/n found her forever home.

Not proof read so sorry for any mistakes!
Sorry my updates have been so slow, but life has been busy and stressful ahhh!
I'm here to talk if anyone needs :)
1531 words

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें