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Tony was throwing one of infamous parties tonight which the team had to attend. Truthfully, I'm not a big party person. I don't like that many people and usually get overwhelmed in those kind of situations, but I decided that I was going to try and enjoy tonight instead of count down the minutes until I can leave, because the likelihood of me being able to get out of attending these party's is very slim.

Most of the time I will hang out with Peter on the couch since we are both underage and can't drink, but he was sick and couldn't come so that left me with the option to sit alone, or to make conversation with other people. Neither of which I want to do.

Natasha has been like a mother figure to me since I joined the team a couple of years ago and she doesn't let me drink because apparently I'm 'too young'. I understand where she's coming from, but I'm sixteen now, you'd think I'd be allowed just a little bit.

I slipped on my black dress and heels before making my way downstairs to the chaos of a bunch of fake ass people and idiots. I lied to Tony saying that I had a lot of homework and wouldn't be able to come until eight o'clock even though the party started at seven. But you see, it gives the people to have enough to drink so that they are a little bit tipsy so they are more fun, but they're not drunk enough to get all clingy and gross.

I found Natasha first and sat beside her, resting my head on her shoulder whilst she made conversation with a few other people. Natasha knows how much I hate parties so most of the time she'd go out of her way and come find me, just to see if I'm okay.

"I'm going to go get a drink." I inform Nat. "No alcohol." She tells me firmly. "I know." I roll my eyes playfully.

When I got to the bar there was no-one behind it so I decided to help myself.

It's been about an hour since I last saw Y/N so I decided I would go and find her, just to see if she's okay. I know how much she hates parties, especially when she doesn't have Peter with her.

It took a while to find her and when I did, she had a glass of champagne in her hand and she was laughing at her reflection in the window. It's very obvious that she's drunk and it probably didn't take much for her to get like this either. That kid has barely had a sip of alcohol in her life.

When I walked closer to her and my reflection became obvious in the window Y/N said, "Woah, she looks like Natasha," with her mouth hung wide open. "That's because it is Natasha." I say which causes her to jump slightly. "Oh heyyyy..." She says, not so casually hiding the glass behind her back. "I promise I only drank apple juice." She tries to assure me. "Mhm, so that explains the whole talking to your reflection in the window thing?" I chuckle. "Yes, exactly." She nods, before taking another sip of champagne.

"And..I think you're done." I tell her, taking the glass out of her hand before she gets the chance to take another sip. "And I think you're blurry." She laughs.

I place the glass of champagne on the table behind me before I put an arm around Y/N's shoulder to make sure she doesn't fall over whilst we walk upstairs. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

"But I'm not tired." She whines. "I don't care. You'll thank me in the morning." I say.

As I guide Y/N through the abnormally large crowd of people she takes every chance she gets to try and steal another drink. "Ooo, I'll take that thank you." She says to the waiter carrying around martini's, grabbing it off the tray. "No you won't." I tell her, taking the drink from her hands and placing it back on the tray.

When we got upstairs and into Y/N's room, I sat her down of the bed whilst before getting out a pair of pyjamas for her.

"Go get changed in the bathroom, I'll wait out here." I demand. "Why can't you wait in the bathroom instead? This is my bedroom...I think." She asks, looking around the room. "Because, I don't trust you to not walk out and go back downstairs." I tell her. "Damn it." Y/N pouts, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Ta Da!" Y/N exclaims, walking out of the bathroom a few moments later in her pyjamas.

"Alright, let's get you into bed." I say gently, walking her to her bed. "You're always so nice to me Natasha." She says. "It's my job hun." I tell her. "No it's not. You just like taking care of me." Y/N teases. "Fine, maybe I do. But you're a good kid Y/N and I love you lots." I smile, tucking her into bed. "I love you too mama." She mumbles, closing her eyes and almost instantly falling asleep.

My heart warmed at the fact that she called me mama, even if it happened when she was completely wasted.


The next morning I was in the kitchen making eggs - a classic hangover food - for breakfast in the hopes that Y/N would be awake in time to eat them. Even if she wasn't, I'll probably make some her later so she doesn't feel so hungover today.

I made some coffee too, knowing that she'd be wanting a lot of that.

Soon enough Y/N walks into the kitchen. Her hair is still messy from bed and she honestly looks like crap. "You look happy to be awake." I laugh. "Shhh! Don't yell." She hisses, walking over to the kitchen stool and resting her head in her arms on the counter. "Remember this feeling next time you go to drink." I say. "I'm never drinking again." She says. I walk over to her rubbing her back, "Good."

"I made you some breakfast and coffee if you'd like some?" I ask gently. "Yes please." She mumbles.

Steve and Wanda come into the kitchen talking about something and Y/N immediately glares at the them. "Woah, what's up with you?" Steve chuckles. "Oh my god, is she hungover?" Wanda asks me. "Yeah, she is." I say. "Oh no! I wish I saw you get drunk, that would have been so funny." Wanda pouts, earning a glare from me. "Sorry." She shrugs with a sheepish smile on her face. "Can you guys shut up please, respectfully." Y/N complains.

After Steve and Wanda left I went to the medicine cabinet to get out aspirin for Y/N's headache. "Here you are sweetheart, this should help." I smile gently. "Thanks mama." She replies.

As she goes to put the pill in her mouth she stops, realising what she's said. I know she said it last night, but she was drunk and didn't remember it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She says in a panic. "You don't need to be sorry, you can call me that if you want." I assure her. "Okay." Y/N smiles.


a/n: hey!
so question, would y'all be interested if I made a Scarlett Johansson x Daughter reader one shot book? Because I already have some Scarlett requests but this book is already quite long and I'm trying to keep it just Nat one shots. Anyways, let me know what you think and if you have any Scarlett requests let me know :)

hope you all have a lovely day <3

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