I can't do this

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Lili and Cole were lying in bed together, his arms around her rubbing her stomach lightly. She had been in a lot of pain recently and all he wanted to do was make her feel better.

Cole- How are you feeling baby?

Lili- Not good. (tears)

Cole- Awww baby, should we go to the doctor.

Lili- N-No it's not that bad. (tears)

Cole- Love I think we-

Lili- No I'm fine. (tears)

He kept rubbing her stomach and gave her kisses all over her head.

Lili- C-Cole, can you help me get to the bathroom? (tears)

Cole- Of course baby.

He quickly got up and slowly helped her stand up. As she started to walk her pain increased and her legs began to give out.

The next thing they knew she was on the floor sobbing and screaming from the pain she was feeling.

Cole- L-Lils...

Lili- H-Help m-me....p-please it h-hurts! (sobs)

Cole- What do you want me to do? (tears)

Lili- I d-don't know, j-just p-please help me! (sobs)

His heart hurt seeing her like this, he just wanted to take her pain away but he couldn't.

Cole- Baby I'm taking you to the hospital now. (tears)

Lili- N-No we have to go to work in a few hours. (cries)

Cole- Lil's work doesn't fucking matter right now, I have to get you tgo the hospital.

She finally agreed and he picked her up bridal style. He ran down to the car with her in his arms and he felt like a piece of him was broken, because she was like this.


As they got to the hospital he ran with her to the front desk and she was still sobbing from the pain.

Cole- P-Please help. (cries)

FD- What's going on?

Cole- We don't know.

FD- We need a gurney!

A few doctors came running over to the young couple and carefully put Lili down. As they wheeled her down to a room her screams got louder and she kept calling for Cole.

Lili- C-Cole! (sobs)

Cole- I'm right here love, I'm right here.

He took her hand and gave it a kiss.

They finally got her to a room and laid her down on the bed.

Doctor- Hon we need you to calm down.

Lili- I-I c-can't, i-it hurts! (sobs)

Doctor- What does?

She pointed down to her stomach and Cole put his hand on it, rubbing it ever so gently.

Doctor- I need to do a body scan to see what's going on. Hon, I'm going to need you to pit this gown on and I'll be back in a minute with a wheelchair.

Lili nodded and the doctor walked out of the room. Cole looked at Lili and knelt down next to her. He took her hand and gave her a kiss on the head.

Cole- Do you want me to help you get changed?

Lili- Y-Yeah. (cries)

She got her clothes off and he helped her put the gown on. Until the doctor came back He sat next to Lili and kissed her nonstop.

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