Tell Us

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⚠️Possible Trigger Warning⚠️

Amelia Sprouse is an amazing girl, she is so sweet, looks just like her mother and acts just like her father.

But she has been keeping a secret from her parents for a while, her boyfriend hurts her, in more ways than one.

He hits her, punches her and he has even raped her a few times.

You may be wondering why she doesn't tell her parents, well her boyfriend threatened to hurt her two year old little brother, Oliver, her innocent baby brother.

So of course she hasn't said anything to least not yet.


It was a late Friday afternoon when Amelia was at her boyfriend's house sitting on his bed with tears in her eyes.

She had slap marks on her cheek and new, fresh, bruises on her stomach and thighs from having just been sexually assaulted for a fifth or maybe even sixth time.

But thankfully her boyfriend was in the shower so she quickly grabbed a piece of paper and started writing.

Dear Bryce,
I'm leaving, I can't take this anymore. I'm tired of being hurt and scared by you. It's too much for me, I'm just done.

Then she left and made her way home.

But as soon as she walked in her parents were sitting on the couch with her little brother laying on them.

She tried to walk past and make it to her room so she could cover the marks, but they saw her before she could do anything.

Lili- Oh my god Amelia!

Both of them jumped up and went to her while Oliver sat on the couch not knowing what had happened.

Cole- Baby, what happened?

Amelia- Nothing, I'm fine.

She tried to walk past her parents and go up to her room but Cole grabbed her arm making her wince since he had touched a bruise of hers.

Cole- I'm sorry, did I hurt you?

She shook her head quickly trying to make him just forget it but he lifted her sleeve and saw the old bruises on her arm.

Lili- Mimi, who did this to you.

Amelia- No one, just stop. (tears)

Cole- Amelia, this is serious, if someone's hurting you, you need to tell us.

Amelia- I can't tell you, can you just forget it!? (cries)

Cole pulled Amelia into his arms and she just started sobbing making Oliver look up and waddle over to her.

Oliver- Sissy..?

He grabbed onto her leg and she looked down and smiled before picking him up.

Cole- Can you please talk to us sweetheart?

Amelia- He told me I'm not allowed to... (quietly)

Lili- Who did?!

Amelia- B-Bryce. (quietly cries)

Cole- WHAT?! DID HE DO THIS TO YOU?! (yells)

Amelia got really nervous thinking her parents would be mad but she nodded.

Cole- I'M GONNA KILL HIM! (yells)

Amelia- P-Please stop, h-he can't know I t-told you. (cries)

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