The best surprise ever pt 2

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~Two Days Later~

Lili, Cole and their daughter, Evie, had finally made it home to their apartment. But as soon as they walked in, they realized they had nothing for Evie.

They weren't planning on coming home from the hospital with a baby, so buying a crib, changing table, diapers, baby clothes, all of that wasn't on their radar. But thanks to Target's same day delivery, they were able to get everything that they needed in just a few hours.

So finally, once everything was put together, and settled, the two of them were able to lay down on the couch and take a break.

Cole had Evie laying on him while Lili was laying next to them, but after a few minutes she jumped up.

Lili- I need to tell my family about Evie, like, now. (softly)

Cole- O-Okay, do you want to FaceTime them?

Lili- (nods) I think that will be the best option, yeah.

Cole- (nods) Here, come lay in my lap, you can have Evie lay on your chest.

Lili nodded and laid down against her boyfriend while he placed their daughter onto her chest.

Cole- Is this okay?

Lili smiled and nodded once again before kissing her daughter's head. Then she grabbed her phone and pressed on her mothers' icon.

She pulled the camera up so they wouldn't be able to see Evie at first, but as soon as her mother answered, she couldn't hide it for much longer.

On FaceTime:

Amy- Hey guys! I'm so glad you called! I was so sad when you said you couldn't come home for thanksgiving this year, but how's everything going?

Lili- We're good, we've actually been pretty busy...hey um, are Dad, Chloe and Tess around? I really need to tell you guys something.

Amy- Yeah, hold on, they're all around the house, let me find them.

Amy walked around the house, finding her husband and her two other daughters, then they all sat in the living room to talk to Lili.

Dan- Hey baby, I miss you!

Lili- I miss you too Dad.

Amy- So, Lil's, what do you have to tell us?

Tess- Did Cole propose?!

Chloe- Yeah, are you two getting hitched or something.

Lili- No, actually...

She brought the camera down to show Evie sleeping on her chest and instantly all of their mouths dropped.

Lili- Cole and I just had a baby.

Dan- Um, you had a what now?

Amy- Lili, h-how-

Tess- Mom, please don't ask how, we don't need to hear about that.

Cole laughed and kissed Lili's cheek softly before she spoke again.

Lili- I didn't know I was pregnant. On Saturday I was having really bad cramps, but I didn't think anything of it so I just kept working. We didn't go to the hospital until really late, and by that point I was 10 centimetres dilated. A few minutes later, Evie was born.

Amy- O-Oh my god, are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Is-

Lili- Mom, calm down. I'm fine, she's fine, Cole was with me the whole time. We're still in shock but we're good, I promise.

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