New Parents pt 2

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~One week later~

Ella had been doing a lot better but she was still really quiet at times, mostly around Cole.

She had been more comfortable with Lili, maybe because she was also a girl but it made Cole really sad that she didn't like to go to him.

But anyways, tonight they were going to go out to dinner, the three of them, so Ella could be more comfortable with them.

As soon as they got there, Lili pulled Ella into her arms, holding her on her hip.

Cole came next to them and wrapped his arm around Lili's waist but Ella clearly became nervous.

Ella- Mommy... (softly)

Lili- What's wrong baby girl?

She shook her head with tears in her eyes and tried to pull away from Cole.

Lili could tell what she was doing so she pulled Cole to her other side while just trying to keep her calm, but she was still scared.

Cole got upset so Lili grabbed his hand and kissed it lightly before they walked into the restaurant.

Then they were taken to their table.

Lili sat with Ella in her lap while Cole sat across from them, the whole time Ella had not looked up at him, she was scared to make eye contact with she just stayed with her head down, drawing on the small kids menu in front of her.

Throughout their dinner Cole would try to get her attention and speak to her but she wouldn't look up from the table.

But then she knocked over Lili's glass of water, accidentally spilling it all over Cole.

He stood up and wiped the water off of him, not angrily but a little annoyed...then he wiped the water off his belt and Ella instantly began to cry into Lili's chest while holding her tightly.

Lili- Ella, Ella, shh. Baby...

Lili tried to calm her down but she was sobbing and clearly terrified.

Cole- Ella, honey...

She started crying more so Lili stood up and carried her out of the restaurant.

They sat outside on the small bench, Lili tried to calm the little girl down but she was hysterical.

Finally after a few minutes Cole had paid and came outside to see Ella struggling to breathe in Lili's arms so even though she was scared of him, he picked her up and rocked her in his arms.

She looked up at him and saw his eyes. She could see and feel the love that he had had for her, and that instantly calmed her down.

Ella- D-Daddy... (sniffles)

Cole-'s okay baby. (softly)

Ella- I wanna go home. (sniffles)

Cole- Okay, we can go.

Cole took Lili's hand and they walked back to their car.

They placed Ella in her car seat and drove home, but as they arrived she just wanted Lili again.

Ella- Mommy! Mommy! (tears)

Lili- I'm here, shh.

Lili picked her up into her arms and ran her fingers through her hair, calming her down instantly.

Then they brought her into the house and sat her down on the couch.

Cole and Lili both knelt in front of her, needing to talk to her, but she was once again terrified.

Lili- Ella, we need you to talk to us baby, okay?

She looked at Lili and nodded slowly before Cole spoke to her.

Cole- Why'd you get so scared when I stood up at the restaurant? (softly)

Ella- I thought you were mad at me. (tears)

Cole- No sweetie, I wasn't mad, I couldn't be mad at you, okay?

Ella- (nods) But you were going to use the belt. (softly)

Lili and Cole both sighed as she said that, then Cole pulled her into his lap.

Cole- I would never do that to you, or anyone, I promise. I will never hurt you.

She nodded and hugged him tightly.

Lili smiled softly at them but they both felt so terribly for the little girl.

She had been hurt so badly and was still clearly scarred by it.

But luckily as time went by she got better and became more comfortable with both of her parents, and soon, they adopted her.

That day was one of the best days of their lives.

Everyone was so happy.

Their families and friends were there with them, smiling from ear to ear as tears also rolled down their cheeks.

But then not long after Ella was officially their child, they found out some other news.

Lili- I'm pregnant! (tears)

Immediately as she saw the positive pregnancy test in her hand she ran down to her husband and daughter who were playing on the floor.

Cole- Woah, Lili, slow down. (chuckles)

Lili- I'm sorry, I'm sorry... (smiles widely)

Cole- What? What is it?

Lili- I'm pregnant!

Cole- Oh my god! Are you serious?!

Lili- Yes!

She showed him the pregnancy test before he jumped up and picked up the love of his life.

But the whole time Ella was sitting there confused.

Ella- Mommy, Daddy...what is it?

The two of them knelt down to her and took her hands before Lili said...

Lili- You're gonna be a big sister! (tears)

Ella- A sister?

Cole- Yeah! Mommy has a baby in her tummy, that baby is gonna be your little brother or sister!

Ella- Baby!!! (giggles)

She instantly became really excited and hugged her mother's tummy before kissing her cheek softly.

Then Ella just laid on her tummy, talking to her baby brother or sister.

Ella- Hi baby! I'm your sissy! I hope you're a girl but a boy will be fun too...I love you very much, sleep well.

Lili and Cole both shed a tear as they listened to their daughter talk to the new baby, but little did they know they were all wishing for the same thing.


Eight months later Lili gave birth to a baby girl, Ella's sister and their second daughter.

Ella still knew Lili and Cole weren't her biological parents because she remembered everything from before, and she would never forget. But to all of them they were a family, and that's all that mattered.

Bughead/Sprousehart OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora