Never letting you go

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Betty had been gone for hours.

She was supposed to just be going to the store, which she had.

But she never made it home.

She had gone to buy the last few things for her baby before the child was going to arrive.

For context, she was nine months pregnant.

Jughead offered to go with her to make sure she would be safe, but she told him to finish writing.

But that was a big mistake.

While she was in the grocery store someone placed a knife up to her stomach before covering her mouth.

She wanted to scream but the voice said...

???- If you make any noise I am cutting you and the baby.

Betty nodded having been too scared to do or say anything else.

???- Good, now we're going to the car.

Though she didn't want to, she agreed and followed him to his car.

They got in and instantly she began to cry.

Betty- What do you want with me? (sobs)

???-  It has nothing to do with me, you'll meet the boss soon. But until then, stop crying!

She flinched at the fact that he raised his voice at the end but then they began driving.

They didn't go far but then they had to walk through the woods.

The whole time Betty was crying while rubbing her baby bump.

She was terrified but she needed to protect her baby.

Then they arrived at a small cabin.

The man pushed her in before locking the door...but then she heard a voice behind her.

And she instantly recognised who it was.

Betty- G-Glen...(sniffles)

Glen- Hey babe.

Betty- What do you want? (tears)

Glen- You.

Betty- W-Why? (tears)

Glen- Because you left me Elizabeth, so I had to get you back.

Betty- Please just let me go, I have a fiancé and I'm about to have a baby. (cries)

Glen- I know, but you're mine again. And so is our child.

Betty- N-No, I was never y-yours and I will never be yours...and neither will MY baby. (cries)

Glen- That's what you think. But I'm sorry sweetheart, you two are stuck with me.


Jughead was freaking out.

His fiancé was missing and so was his unborn child.

He called everyone he could, along with the police trying to find the girl.

But nothing.


Slowly a week went by and Betty was still trapped in a cabin, in the middle of the forest with her "ex".

He was drinking coffee while reading through some papers when suddenly he heard Betty cry out loudly.

He ran over to her and saw her clutching her stomach while lying in a pool of water.

Bughead/Sprousehart OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now