Her baby

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Jughead was dead.

It was one of the worst things to ever happen to the town of Riverdale.

Everyone was devastated.

The Stonewall kids had killed him in the woods, Betty was the one who found him...but at that point it was too late.

He wasn't breathing.

The Stonewall kids were arrested soon after the incident, but Betty, Fp and Jellybean were in so much pain.

Especially Betty.

She wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping, she would just lay in bed all day, crying, while holding Jughead's beanie and T-shirt.

They still smelt like him, so she would never let them go.

But today was finally the day that Betty had to go back to school.

She wore leggings and Jughead's T-shirt. As she walked downstairs, her mother hugged her tightly but then she made her way to school.

And as soon as she walked in, all eyes were on her.

She tried to avoid everyone and all of the attention but as soon as Veronica saw her she ran to her best friend.

Veronica- B!

Veronica hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek before she felt another pair of arms wrap around her.

Archie- Hey Betts, are you okay?

Betty- Please don't call me that. (softly)

She pulled away from them and walked towards her locker, but next to her she saw a swarm of people crowding around her boyfriend's locker.

She pushed through and saw the beautiful memorium with her cousin standing next to it...but now she could hold her tears back.

She ran past everyone and bolted into the bathroom letting herself slide down against the wall, sobbing.

But not even a second later Veronica and Archie ran in, hugging the blonde girl tightly.

Veronica- Shh, B, don't cry.

Betty- S-Stop! Please! Just l-leave me alone. (sobs)

She stood up and looked up at the mirror before she felt her stomach churn.

She bolted into one of the stalls and threw up everything that was in her stomach.

Veronica ran in and held her hair back, but as soon as Betty turned to look back at her she fell into her arms.

Veronica- Shh, B, I'm right here.

Betty- I n-need him V. (sobs)

Veronica- I know hun, I know. (tears)

Archie- Betty...maybe you should go home, you're clearly sick.

Betty- No, I'm fine. (cries)

Veronica- B, you're not.

Betty- I said I'm fine! (sniffles)

Betty pulled away and looked at the two of them...they nodded not knowing what else to say, but then Cheryl walked into the bathroom.

Cheryl- Carrot! What the hell are you doing here?! This is the GIRLS bathroom!

Archie gestured towards Betty, making the redhead nod, but then there was just silence again.

Until Betty spoke.

Betty- I don't know what to do. (softly)

Cheryl- What are you talking about, cousin?

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