It was like a dream pt 2

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The three of them stayed in eachothers arms for what felt like forever, but when they pulled apart Betty put her hand on her daughter's cheek not wanting to lose her touch.

Betty- Y-You're so beautiful. (cries)

Juliet- T-Thank you. (tears)

Betty- I c-can't believe you're actually here. I never thought I'd see you again. M-My baby is finally home. (cries)

Juliet- What, what are you talking about? (tears)

Betty and Jughead looked at their daughter with very confused expressions.

Juliet- Y-You gave me up for adoption when I was three months old, my parents adopted me as soon as I had gotten to the orphanage. I've been asking my parents to let me see you forever but they always told me I wasn't allowed to see you because they thought you would say something to me that would make me want to stay with you. I always said that you wouldn't since you didn't even want me in the first place but they still never agreed to let me come. A few weeks ago I found something that had this address on it, along with your names and phone numbers so I thought that you were possibly my biological parents.

Betty- W-What? (cries)

Jughead- Jules, we never put you up for adoption.

Juliet- Then...

Jughead- Do you want to come in? We can explain what happened.

She nodded and walked into the house that she wished she had grown up in.

Betty walked and Jughead walked into the living room and Juliet stayed close behind them.

They sat down on the couch Juliet looked at them with her big blue eyes that looked exactly like her father.

Juliet- If you didn't give me up for adoption then how did I end up at an orphanage?

Jughead- I'm not sure but when you were three months old you were kidnapped from your bedroom. We looked for you everyday but when the case closed we lost all hope and hosted a small funeral. We thought you were gone, but obviously you're right here.

Juliet- W-Wait, you always wanted me? (tears)

Betty- M-More than anything. (cries)

Juliet looked down at the floor and more tears fell from her eyes.

Jughead- Juliet...

He put his hand on her cheek but she hit him away.

Juliet- I-I'm s-sorry, I can't do this. (cries)

She quickly got up and ran to the door but Betty grabbed her hand before she could leave.

Betty- N-No, please d-don't go...I can't lose you again. (cries)

Juliet- I'm sorry but my parents were right, I shouldn't have come.

Betty- B-But, Jules, we're your parents. (tears)

Juliet- No you aren't, Penny is my mom and Malachai is my dad...that's it.

Jughead- D-Did you just say Penny and Malachai?

Juliet- Y-Yeah, they were the ones who adopted me.

Betty and Jughead looked at each other and she cried so hard, Jughead wrapped his arms around her and Juliet just looked at them with a confused and yet concerned expression.

Juliet- A-Are you okay?

Betty looked at her daughter with tears rolling down her cheeks and she pulled her into her embrace.

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