The accident

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It was mid morning and everyone was hanging out in the Student Lounge set.

Cole's arms wrapped around Lili tightly.

But as everyone talked Lili suddenly got a call.

Casey- Who is it?

Lili- My mom, give me a sec.

Cami- Oooohhhh she's in trouble! (laughs)

Everyone laughed as she got up and answered the phone.

On the phone:

Lili- Hey mom, what's up?

Amy- H-Hey sweetheart, um...something happened. (cries)

Lili- What? Is everything okay?

Amy- Not really...your Aunt Sarah and Uncle Scott were in an accident. (cries)

Lili- Accident? What kind of accident? (tears)

Amy- C-Car... (cries)

Lili- O-Oh my god, are they okay? Is Addy okay? (tears)

Amy- Addy's fine, but Scott and Sarah didn't make it. (cries)

Lili- W-What? (cries)

Amy- We're with Addy now, in the hospital- (cries)

Lili- I thought you said she was okay?! (cries)

Amy- She is, she just needs to be picked up by her future guardian. (sniffles)

Lili- Who is-

Amy- You, Lili...she needs you. You're her godmother. (tears)

Lili- B-But I-I can't. (cries)

Amy- They left her to you. They said if anything were to ever happen to them they'd want you to take care of her. (tears)

Lili- I'll be there as soon as I can. (cries)

Amy- Okay, please be safe. (sniffles)

Lili- I will. (cries)

Off the phone:

She ended the call and let out a loud sob before falling to the ground.

Cole- Lili!

He instantly ran to her, along with everyone else.

But then he made everyone back up since her breathing became heavy.

Cole- Lil's, shh, slow down, slow down. What happened?

Lili- M-My aunt and u-uncle died. (sobs)

Cole- Oh my god Lil's-

Lili- I h-have to go home to get Addy. (sobs)

Madelaine- But she-

Lili- S-She's my goddaughter. (sobs)

~Later that day~

Lili and Cole had gotten to North Carolina to be with her family and be with Addy.

As they arrived at the hospital they instantly saw Amy waiting for them.

Lili- M-Mom! (tears)

Amy- Hi honey, was the flight okay?

She nodded and leaned back against Cole's arms, he just gave her a light kiss on the head.

Amy- Thank you for coming with her Cole.

Cole- Of course, I'll do anything for her.

He continued to hold her tightly as they went to Addy's room, but as soon as they walked in they saw the little girl crying.

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