It is going to happen for us pt 2

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On Facetime:

Lili- Cole!

Lili yelled as soon as he picked up her call.

Cole- What? What is it? Are you okay?

Lili- Yeah, I'm fine...but you know how we thought I had food poisoning?! (smiles)

Cole- Yeah..?

Lili- Cole, I dont think it's food poisoning...I think I'm pregnant! (smiles)

Cole sighed, causing Lili to frown.

Lili- What?

Cole- Lil's, we've been trying for almost a year and it hasn't happened yet. And how many times have you thought you were pregnant in the last year?

Lili- I know, I know, but I think it's different this time!

Cole- (sighs) I'll stop by the store to grab a few tests on my way over, but please don't get your hopes up.

She nodded and the two of them hung up the phone. Cole drove to the nearest Pharmacy to grab a few pregnancy tests before making his way to Lili's house.

As soon as he walked in Lili grabbed the tests from his hand before running up to her bedroom, he followed her, sitting down on her made bed while she went into the bathroom.

She peed in a cup and put the test in the liquid before letting it sit for three minutes...and while it sat, she went over to Cole who was sitting on her bed, and sat down next to him.

Lili- I really think I'm pregnant this time, Cole, I'm not making this up.

Cole- I never said you were making this up. I just think that you want it so bad that sometimes your brain believes that it's actually happening. And I want this to happen for us as much as you do, but realistically, it has been so long and it hasn't happened I don't know if it will. I just don't want to see you get upset again, you already have so many times.

She nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Lili- I know, and I appreciate everything that you're saying, but I really do think that I'm pregnant this time.

Cole- I really hope so.

He wrapped an arm around her waist while they waited for the time to run out on Lili's timer...then as soon as the alarm went off they jumped up.

They ran into the bathroom and stood in front of the two tests that she had taken. Cole took Lili's hand as she turned the two tests over...and as soon as they saw the answer, Cole sighed.

Lili- N-No, it can't be! I swear, I'm pregnant!

Cole- Lil's- (softly)

Lili- No! I'm taking another one!

He sighed and stood there watching as she picked up the cup that she had yet to throw out, and dipped another test into the liquid.

She put it down and waited another three minutes, this time in silence. And as soon as the alarm went off, she turned it over and saw another negative sign.

Cole- Lili, let's go talk-

Lili- N-No! J-Just leave me alone! (tears)

She pushed him out of the bathroom before shutting and locking the door, then she fell to the floor, curled in a ball.

Cole- Please come out, Lil's, we need to talk.

Lili- I don't want to. (cries)

Cole- Fine, but I'm not going anywhere until you come out of the bathroom.

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