Trusting Pt 2

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Betty and Jughead are now 26 and have been living together in a small apartment for a year, and things have been great for them.

Jughead fully trusts Betty again though it did take him many years to get there.

But now Betty was sitting on their bathroom floor staring at a pregnancy test.

Betty- I'm pregnant... (whispers)

She got tears in her eyes but quickly wiped them away before walking out to Jughead who was doing some work on his computer.

Jughead- Hey, you okay? You were in there for a while.

Betty- Yeah, I'm fine...

She sat down on the edge of their bed and took a deep breath making Jughead turn around and look at her with a concerned expression.

Jughead- Baby, what's up?

She was completely lost, she hadn't heard anything he had said.

Jughead- Baby...?

Betty- O-Oh, y-yeah?

Jughead- What's wrong, are you okay?

Betty- U-Um yeah.

Jughead- Are you sure.

She nodded but he knew she wasn't so he got up and sat next to her on the edge of their bed.

Jughead- Talk to me.

Betty- J-Jug...

Jughead- Please?

Betty- (sighs) I'm nervous, okay?

Jughead- Why? There's nothing to be nervous about.

Betty- I'm pregnant Jug.

Jughead- O-Oh, that's not what I was expecting.

Betty- Yeah...I know.

Jughead- How long have you known?

Betty- Five minutes. (giggles slightly)

Jughead- Okay, um, should we go to the doctor?

Betty- I mean probably.

They were both pretty numb, I mean this was so sudden and unexpected.

They got dressed and made it down to the car before heading to the doctor. The whole car ride was silent but Jughead made sure that he was holding her hand the entire time.

Then they made it to the doctors office.

They got out and signed in, waiting for a little while before finally being called back.

Doctor- Hello, I'm Doctor Davis, it says that you are scheduled for an ultrasound, will this be your first appointment?

Betty- Yes. (quietly)

Doctor- Okay, I need to ask you a few questions but please don't be nervous.

Betty nodded before looking at Jughead who was also a little nervous...but they were still holding hands.

Doctor- Alright, first what kind of symptoms are you having if any?

Betty- Well, I've been throwing up a lot but I was also always hungry so I was eating a lot.

Doctor- That sounds normal, and how did you find out about the pregnancy?

Betty- Pregnancy test.

Doctor- When did you take it?

Betty- This morning.

Doctor- Alright well everything sounds alright so now we can start the ultrasound. All you need to do is lay back on the table and pull up your shirt.

She nodded and did what the doctor told her.

She lifted up her shirt and laid down while the doctor put a little bit of gel on her stomach.

Within a few minutes the doctor found their baby and both Betty and Jughead were amazed.

Doctor- You seem to be about four months pregnant and the baby looks very healthy.

Betty- Four months?

Doctor- Yep, definitely four months.

Betty- Holy shit.

Doctor- Would you like to hear the heartbeat?

Jughead- Heartbeat?

Doctor- Yeah.

Betty- Y-Yes, we'd love to.

The doctor turned on the monitor's sound and Betty and Jughead began to listen to their baby's heartbeat...and they were instantly in love.

Jughead- Oh my god. (tears)

Betty- Y-Yeah.

Suddenly they heard a second little sound and the doctor smiled widely.

Doctor- Wow, it looks like you two are having twins.

Betty- W-What?

Jughead- T-Twins?

Doctor- Yep, do you hear that second heartbeat?

They listened closer and heard both.

The doctor moved the wand more around her stomach and found the second baby.

Doctor- Here's the second baby.

Betty- O-Oh my god...

Doctor- Are there twins in either of your families?

Betty- Yeah, mine.

Doctor- Well, there you go.

Jughead- Holy shit.

Doctor- They both look very healthy, would you like pictures?

Betty- Y-Yes please.

Doctor- Alright, I'll be right back with those.

The doctor left them alone in the room and they were both in shock...but also happy.

Betty- J-Juggie...we're having twins. (tears)

Jughead- Yes we are. (chuckles)

Betty- Are we ready for this?

Jughead- I mean probably not, but who is?

Betty- True. (giggles)

Jughead- We'll be okay, we'll have our families to help us, I promise.

She nodded and sat while continuing to hold his hand.

Then the doctor came back with the pictures.

Doctor- Here you are.

Betty- Thank you.

Doctor- Of course, since you are having twins there is more risk of misscarriage so I want you to come back every two weeks but everything seems perfect.

They both nodded and then left with huge smiles on their faces.

They made it home and instantly went to bed and cuddled.

Betty- I'm still in shock. (giggles)

Jughead- Me too love, me too.

Betty- I mean, how did we get here after everything? I'm pregnant with your babies at 26, I never saw this coming. (giggles)

Jughead- I didn't either, but I'm just glad we got back here, together.

Betty- Me too...thank you for trusting me again.

He didn't respond, he just kissed her and then kissed her baby bump.

And that's all he needed to do to let her know he loves her more than anything.

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