Life Unexpected pt 2

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~3 Years Later~

Lizzy- Lili! Cole! Wake upppppp!!!

It was 7 in the morning and the little girl had run into her parents room to wake them up before work.

She jumped onto their bed and bounced up and down between them before Cole grabbed her and pulled her under the covers with them.

Lizzy- Hi Cole!

Cole- Hi sweetheart!

Lizzy- Guess what?

Cole- What?

Lizzy- It's my birthday!!!

Cole- Is it?! I don't think so.

Lizzy- Yes it is! I'm eight now!

Cole- (chuckles) Wow, you're getting so big, I don't like it.

That's when Lili rolled over and pulled Lizzy into her arms.

Lili- Happy birthday baby girl.

Lizzy- (giggles) Thank you! What are we doing today?

Lili- Well, we have to work, but do you want to come with us today?


Lili- (giggles) I know you do, come on, let's get dressed.

Lizzy jumped off the bed and ran to her room to get dressed as Lili and Cole both got up. Lili walked into the bathroom while Cole walked in right behind her before wrapping his arms around her waist.

Cole- Can you believe we have an eight year old?

Lili- No, it's crazy...she's been with us for about three years now. Part of me still can't believe we have a kid.

Cole- I know, I love you so much.

Lili- I love you too...but let's speed it up, we need to go. (giggles)

He chuckled and kissed her neck softly before letting her go, then they got dressed. And once the two of them were done they went to their daughters room to see her all ready for the day in her beautiful flower dress.

The three of them had a quick breakfast before getting in their car and leaving for work.

The whole drive Lizzy couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to see everyone and play so as soon as they arrived at set the little girl jumped out of the car, but she didn't see anyone around. She was confused so she waited for Lili and Cole to grab all of their things, then they started walking towards the trailers. But when they passed their trailer, Lizzy looked up at them.

Lizzy- Where are we going?

They didn't respond which made her a little upset, but then they arrived at one of the tents. She walked in with her head down, but then she heard everyone yell:

Everyone: Surprise!

She looked up with a huge smile on her face as she saw all of her parents' friends with balloons, party hats and cake. Then she turned to Lili and Cole who were kneeling down next to her.

Lili- Happy birthday baby girl!

Lizzy- (giggles) Thank you!

They both hugged her and kissed her before letting her run off to all of their friends.

For hours she played around with everyone, but once they wrapped up the party they actually did have to start filming. But as everyone walked out they saw two police cars, over by the trailers. They all walked closer, and once they were close enough, two police officers walked in their direction.

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