Second Chances pt 1

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Betty was sitting on the couch, waiting for her fiancé to arrive home. He had gone out with some friends for drinks, like they often do, but they had never stayed out past midnight before.

At this point it was 2 AM and Betty was practically asleep on the couch...but suddenly she heard Jughead stumbling through the door.

Betty- Jug... (yawns)

He was attempting to take off his shoes and his coat, but he kept falling over.

Betty walked over to him and helped him before he looked at her and smiled.

Jughead- Hi baby! I missed you so much! (smiles)

He said as he wrapped his arms around her.

Betty- (giggles) I missed you too...but it's really late babe, we should go to bed.

Jughead-But I don't wanna go to bed! (pouts)

Betty- I know, I know, but it's past 2 in the morning. Come on.

She grabbed his hand and helped him as he stumbled up the stairs. She brought him to their bedroom and put him down, but he pulled her down with him.

Betty- Jug! (giggles)

She tried to get up but he was holding her on top of him, refusing to let her go.

Betty- Jug, I have to brush my teeth.

Jughead- No, you have to stay here, you are so comfy!! (mumbles)

She laughed and was able to pull herself out from his grasp, but when he turned over, she noticed the hickeys on his neck.

Betty- Jug...what is that? On your neck? (softly)

Jughead- Huh? (mumbles)

Betty- They look like hickeys. (softly)

Jughead- They're from you. (mumbles)

Betty- O-Okay...just go to bed.

He nodded and was asleep within seconds, but as soon as she knew he was asleep, a tear slipped from her eye.

Betty- Those aren't from me. (tears)

~The next morning~

Jughead had woken up to an empty bed.

He got up and brushed his teeth before walking downstairs, but then he saw his fiance asleep on the couch. He didn't want to wake her, but he was very confused as to why she wasn't in bed with him.

He brushed it off as he walked into the kitchen to make coffee, but when he heard Betty walk into the kitchen, he turned around and smiled at her.

Jughead- Hi, my love! (smiles)

He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her before kissing her cheek...but she immediately pulled away.

Jughead- Babe, what's going on?

She didn't respond, she just walked past him and grabbed a mug from the cabinet before pouring herself some coffee.

Jughead- Betts, did I do something wrong?

Betty- Look in the mirror...then come and talk to me.

He sighed and walked into the bathroom, looking into the mirror to see the hickeys all over his neck...then he remembered everything.


???- Oh my god, Jug! You're so deep! (moans)

Jughead- Want me to go further, baby? (groans)

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