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Lili had just finished filming a scene with Cole in the bunker so they began to walk back to their trailers together, but suddenly as they were walking something had hit Lili's leg.

The two of them looked down and saw a little girl who had just run into her leg by accident.

???- S-Sorry... (quietly)

Lili- Don't worry sweetie, it's okay.

Lili bent down and helped her up before Cole bent down next to them.

Cole- What's your name cutie?

Ivy- I'm Ivy!

Lili- Hi Ivy, I'm Lili and this is Cole.

She waved with a cute little smile on her face, making them both chuckle but then Lili had to ask her...

Lili- How did you get here?

Ivy- I was playing with sissy at the park but I saw a bunch of people yelling so I ran through them.

The two of them chuckled at the thought of this little girl crawling through all of the screaming fans...but then they realised they had to get her back to her sister.

Cole- Well, I'm glad you got through but we have to get you back to sissy, she's probably worried.

Ivy- Okay!

She smiled as the two adults stood up, then she reached her arms up to Cole.

He chuckled and picked her up onto his hip before they began walking over to where the security was.

Instantly they heard a bunch of fans screaming but on the other side they saw a teenage girl crying while yelling at the security guard.

???- Please! I need to get through, my sister crawled through everyone and I don't know where she went! (cries)

Security- Ma'am, we can't let you through, I'm sorry, please leave.

???- I c-can' sister! (cries)

Cole- Let her through Terry.

The security guard turned around and nodded allowing her to pass, then she saw her little sister.

???- Ivy! (sniffles)

Ivy- Sissy!

Cole placed the little girl down and she ran to her sister, jumping into her arms.

The teenager instantly picked her up and hugged her as tight as possible, clearly being scared that she had just lost her.

???- Ivy, you can never leave my sight again, I was so scared. (tears)

Ivy- I'm sorry Lizzy.

Lizzy- It's okay baby...I'm so sorry that you had to-

But then her mouth dropped as she looked up and saw Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse.

Lizzy- I...uh...I...what was I saying?

Cole- Something about 'I'm sorry that you had to...'

Lizzy- R-Right, I'm sorry that you had to watch her. Thank you so much though.

Lili- Don't worry, she's adorable.

Lizzy- Thanks...w-well um, we should probably go.

Ivy- No! I want to play with them!

Lizzy- Ivy, I don't think they can-

Cole- We'd love to, do you guys want to come with us?

Lizzy- Y-You don't have too-

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