Natural Disaster

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⚠️Possible Trigger Warning⚠️

Betty- (giggles) Jughead, stop! That tickles!

She squealed as her boyfriend pulled her underneath him and began kissing her neck softly.

Jughead- Not happening, you're all mine tonight.

Betty smiled and wrapped her legs around his torso while he kissed her down her body, but he groaned as he heard a small knock on the door.

Betty tried to slip away to answer the door but Jughead wrapped his arms back around her stomach, trying to pull her back to their bed.

Betty- Juggie, we need to answer the door, we can finish later.

Jughead- (groans) Fine.

Betty giggled and kissed his cheek before the two of them walked to the door, but as they opened it, they saw Jughead's 15 year old half sister, Jellybean, standing there crying with black eye and a backpack around her shoulders.

Jughead instantly pulled his sister inside the apartment before hugging the girl tightly.

Jughead- Jelly...what happened?

She didn't even respond, she just shook her head as she cried into his chest.

He continued to hold her as he looked toward Betty, but she looked just as concerned as he did.

Jellybean- Can I please stay here? (cries)

Jughead- Yes, yes, always. (softly)

The three of them stood in the doorway for a moment until Betty placed her hand on the girls' shoulder.

Betty- Do you want to come sit down?

Jellybean looked up at her and nodded before walking to the couch with the two adults. Betty walked into the kitchen on her way to the living room to grab an ice she reached the couch and sat down, the teenager leaned against her brother.

Betty handed her the ice pack to cover her eye, and as soon as she took it, Jughead began to ask her questions.

Jughead- Who did this to you, Jb?

Jellybean- N-No one. (sniffles)

Jughead- Bullshit! (yells)

Betty- Jughead! Calm down.

Jellybean- I don't want to talk about it. (cries)

Betty- You don't have to right you want to just get some rest?

Jellybean looked up at Betty and nodded before they all stood up and walked to the guest bedroom. Betty grabbed some extra blankets, pillows, and toiletries for Jb before walking back over to Jughead who instantly wrapped his arms around her stomach.

Betty- Is there anything else you need right now? I can run to the store or-

Jellybean- I think I'm okay...thank you Betty. (softly)

Betty- Of course, hun. We'll give you some space, but call us if you need anything.

She nodded and watched as Betty and Jughead began to walk out, but before they closed the door, Jellybean spoke again.

Jellybean- Wait...

Jughead- Yeah? What do you need?

Jellybean- Betty...I want to talk to you, girl stuff.

Betty nodded and walked back into the bedroom while Jughead stood in the doorway.

Jughead- I'll give you two some privacy.

Bughead/Sprousehart OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now