Her Saviours

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It was lunch time.

Alexa was sitting in the cafeteria with a tray full of food, but she didn't want to eat.

Well, actually, it's not that she didn't want to eat, it's that she couldn't eat.

She hadn't actually eaten food in weeks and if she did, she would just throw it up.

And she was losing a lot of weight, which she was really happy about.

But the one thing she didn't think about was the side effects to not eating.

She always had a headache, she was always dizzy, and she was always light headed.

At lunch, her friend was talking to her from across the table when suddenly she began to feel really sick. She closed her eyes for a moment, but before she knew it she was waking up in her bed.

Alexa- (groans) What happened?

Lili- Baby! Thank god! Your school called saying that you passed out! I was so worried.

Alexa- I'm sorry mom, I'm okay.

Lili- I know, but the nurse said you probably haven't been eating and drinking enough so I have some food for you.

Alexa- No, mom I'm-

Lili- I'm not taking no for an answer, Alex, you need to eat.

Alexa- Fine.

Her mother grabbed her the tray of food with water and placed it on her lap.

Lili watched as her daughter ate a little bit of it, but then she placed her head back into the pillow.

Alexa- Mom, I don't feel well. Can I just go back to sleep?

Lili- (nods) Yeah. Dad will be home in a few hours. If you need anything I'm here, okay?

Alexa nodded and shut her eyes, but as soon as she heard her bedroom door close, she jumped up and bolted into the bathroom to throw up every single fluid that she had in her system.

Her body had now trained itself to make her sick when she put anything into her system, but as soon as she leaned up, she just collapsed in front of the toilet.

After almost an hour, her eyes opened and she remembered what had happened so she just flushed the toilet and got back in bed.

She tried to stay focussed and do her homework but without having any food in her system, she had no energy, so she just fell right back to sleep.

~A few hours later~

Cole had gotten home and helped Lili prepare dinner for all of them, so as soon as everything was ready Lili called to her daughter, but she didn't respond.

Lili- Alex?

Cole- Do you want me to go check on her?

Lili- No, I've got it.

Lili went upstairs and knocked on her daughter's door, but again she heard nothing.

Then she just walked in...and Alexa was asleep, curled in a ball.

Lili smiled softly and walked over before sitting on the edge of the bed and placing her hand softly on her daughter's cheek; caressing it softly.

Lili- Alex, food is ready.

She groaned and rolled over to face her mom, but she instantly felt her head pounding.

Alexa- (groans) My head.

Lili- What's wrong? Do you have a headache?

Alexa- I don't know, my head is just pounding. (softly)

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