Wishing for a miracle pt 2

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~Four years later~

Betty and Jughead are now both 21 while their daughter, Lili, is 4.

For a while after they escaped Riverdale they lived in their car, but eventually they made it to South Carolina where they now have a four bedroom house.

Jughead worked at Vance Publishing (let me know if you get the reference) for a while until they published his novel that he had been writing.

He made a lot of money off of his book which allowed Betty to be a stay at home mom to Lili, and now she's even pregnant again.

At first they were nervous to have another kid because of what had happened with Penny last time, but now that they were away and Penny had been MIA for years, they knew it was the right time for them.

Anyways, it was a sunday morning, the family had just eaten breakfast and now Lili had gone up to her room to get dressed.

But while she was away Betty was pacing back and forth.

Their family was finally coming to see them after four years, they had been in contact with them since they left but they hadn't seen them because of Penny. But because she's been gone they finally decided to have them visit...it still made Betty nervous, also considering that they didn't know she was pregnant.

Jughead- Betts, hey, calm down.

He went over to her and placed his hand on her small five month baby bump while also kissing her head softly, then she let out a sigh.

Betty- I'm sorry, I'm just nervous.

Jughead- I know you are, but it's okay, everything will be fine. So don't stress, it's not good for you or the baby.

She nodded and placed her head on his shoulder until she heard their daughter behind them.

Lili- Mama, I don't know what to wear?

Betty giggled and walked over to her picking her up onto her hip carefully.

Betty- Come on, let's go find something. Jug, we'll be back in a minute, if they get here tell them we'll be right down.

Jughead- (nods) Be careful, you know you're not supposed to be lifting heavy things.

Betty- Lili, please tell daddy that I can hold you.

Lili- Daddy, mommy can hold me.

He chuckled as she smirked, then the two of them walked upstairs, but as they looked for an outfit for the small four year old, their family had arrived.

Jb- Jug!

Jughead- Hey Jb!

She ran and jumped into his arms allowing him to spin her before placing her down.

Jb- I missed you so much!

Jughead- I missed you too.

Then FP walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

FP- Hey boy.

Jughead- Hi dad.

Immediately after, Alice came in and hugged him.

Alice- Where's Betty?

Jughead- Upstairs helping Lili find something to wear, she's very indecisive for a four year old. (chuckles)

Then The two walked down, Betty holding their little girl on her hip.



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