You can do this

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Today is mothers day, Lili's first mother's day.

Right now Lili is 8 months pregnant with their first child. She wasn't planned but they both already love her more than anything.

Cole woke up really early because he knew he needed to make this day as special as he possibly could.

As he got up from their bed he looked down at his beautiful girlfriend. He smiled at the sight of her hand resting on her stomach.

She has to keep that child of her's safe even while she is still in her womb.

Cole quietly left their room and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed the flowers from the cabinet that he had hid from her and he carefully put them right next to her on her night stand.

He then went back into the kitchen and started making her her favourite pregnancy breakfast: Chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter and whipped cream.

He made them pretty quickly but just in time as Lili had walked out of their bedroom with a huge grin on her face.

Cole- Good morning baby, I made you some breakfast.

She sat down at the kitchen table and he set the plate down in front of her as he gave her a kiss on the head.

Lili- Coley, what is all of this for? First the flowers, now my favourite breakfast?

Cole- Well, it's mother's day! Since it's your first mother's day as an actual mother I thought I would need to make it special.

Lili- Aww, thank you. But this baby isn't out of me yet.

Cole- I know, but you're still a mother since you've been carrying her for almost nine months. Anyways, how is our little girl?

Lili- She seems good but she definitely wants out, she won't stop kicking my organs.

Cole- I'm sorry baby, does it hurt?

Lili- A little but it's nothing I can't handle.

Cole- You are so strong, baby.

She giggled and started eating the food that was sitting in front of her.

She ate every last bite of her food to the point where her plate was spotless, she is definitely pregnant.

Cole took the plate from her while giving her a kiss on the head. When he came back he saw her rubbing her belly and quietly talking to it.

Lili- I love you Ella bear, please come out soon.

Cole- Ella?

Lili- Oh my god, I'm sorry, I forgot to ask you if that's okay. (quietly)

Cole- Lil's, it's perfect.

Lili- Really?

Cole- Yes, now I always thought about her middle name and I want it to be something maybe Amelia, after your mom.

Lili instantly started tearing up at the thought of her boyfriend wanting to name their daughter after her mother.

Lili- Ella Amelia Sprouse, I love it. (tears)

Cole went over to her and kissed her cheek while placing his hand on her huge belly.

Cole- I love you baby girl and I can't wait to meet you.

He gave her belly a kiss and she quickly stood up while walking into their room.

Cole- Where are you going?

Lili- I have to use the bathroom, this girl loves kicking my bladder.

Cole- I'm sorry, if you need anything just call me.

Bughead/Sprousehart OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz