New Life pt 2

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Betty- M-Mom, FP?

Alice- Hi Elizabeth.

Betty- H-How did you-

Alice- How did we find you? It was pretty easy actually.

FP- Can we come in?

Betty- No. (softly)

FP- What did you say?

Betty- I said no!

Alice- Elizabeth-

Jughead- She said no.

FP- Boy, we just want-

Jughead- We don't care what you want.

Maddie- Daddy, who is it?

Jughead- It's no one sweetie.

The little girl ran past her parents and looked up at the people in front of her but Betty instantly pulled her back.

Alice- Betty, let us see our granddaughter.

Betty- No, you are not allowed near our children.

FP- Children?

Jughead- Yes, children.

And right on cue Harper began to cry.

Betty ran to the living room and picked up her nine month old daughter before she walked back to Jughead and their parents.

Alice- You had another one?

Betty- Yes, we did.

FP- Did you learn nothing from the first mistake?

Jughead- Okay, what is wrong with the two of you? You can't just come here and tell us what to do, we're both adults!

Alice- Barely.

Betty- May I remind you mom that you had a kid at sixteen too.

Alice- Yes, but I gave him up for adoption which was the best decision of my life.

Betty- Oh really? Then who was it that was crying in my arms saying that she regretted giving her kid up?

Alice- T-That w-was-

Betty- Exactly, so don't tell us we're wrong for taking care of our kids.

FP- You still should've left her with us, we would have been able to do more for her.

Jughead- I don't think so.

FP- Well, how much money do you have?

Jughead- Enough.

Alice- Well, we're willing to take them off your hands so you can just work for yourselves. I mean, it'll probably be easier for you that way.

Betty- Oh my god. After everything, you're still trying to take our children away. (tears)

Jughead- You two need to leave, now.

Alice- Well we tried to do it the easy way, we'll see you guys soon.

Bety scoffed as Jughead shut the door and locked it.

Maddie- Mama, Dada, who were they?

Betty- No one baby, let's just go play. (tears)

Maddie- Yay!

Jughead put Maddie down and she ran off to the living room but then he turned to Betty who had tears in her eyes.

Jughead- You okay?

Betty- (shrugs) I don't want them to take our babies. (tears)

Jughead- They can't, they're our kids, not theirs.

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