Stuck Together pt 1

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It was the middle of the night.

Lili and her fiancé, Spencer, were asleep in their bed, when suddenly their two  year old started crying. The two of them both shot up but Spencer immediately groaned before glancing at Lili.

Spencer- Shut him up, I need to sleep.

Lili nodded and quickly turned away from him before running out of their bedroom to get to their son.

As soon as she walked into his nursery, she saw Liam standing in his crib with tears in his eyes.

Lili- (softly) My love, what's wrong?

She walked over to him and picked him up, carrying him over to the rocking chair in the corner.

She held him for a while but he continued to cry.

Lili- Baby, why are you crying? (softly)

Liam- Scary dream. (cries)

Lili- Hey, it's okay, I've got you. (softly)

The little boy continued to cry so Lili rubbed his back and sang to him quietly, doing her best to calm her son. But suddenly she heard loud footsteps coming their way...and she immediately knew it was going to get bad.

Spencer- I swear to fucking god! If you don't shut him up, I- (yells)

Lili- S-Spence, please calm down. (nervously)

Spencer- I never wanted this shit in the first place! I told you to get an abortion! (yells)

Lili- Stop yelling! He had a bad dream, he's already scared enough! (tears)

Spencer- You think I'm trying to scare him?! (yells)

Lili- N-No, b-but- (tears)

Spencer- I'm just trying to get him to shut the fuck up! (yells)

The man forcefully pulled Lili out of the rocking chair and yanked their child out of her arms before shoving her out of the room and slamming the door.

She hit the wall but ran back into the bedroom to see Spencer standing with his hands around Liam's throat.

Lili- SPENCER! STOP! (screams and cries)

Lili ran toward him but he shoved her once again, causing her to fall back and hit her head against Liam's crib. And even though her head was in extreme pain, she didn't care.

She grabbed the wooden mobile from above Liam's crib and ran at Spencer, hitting him over the head as hard as she could.

He fell to the ground, dropping Liam. The little boy was screaming at the top of his lungs while Lili cried and pulled him into her arms.

Lili- I-I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry. (cries)

She held him tightly while she checked to make sure he was okay. He had marks on his neck beginning to form, but thankfully nothing else.

And as soon as she knew her son was okay, she ran.

She didn't put on shoes, she didn't grab her phone, she didn't even close the door. She only grabbed her keys and got in the car with her son.

Then she just began to drive. At first she didn't even know where to go...but then she drove to the first person that came to her mind.


They arrived in about 10 minutes. And the two of them were still crying, mostly out of fear.

Lili got out of the driver's seat and went to the back to pull her son into her arms, he gripped onto her so tightly and began crying into her arms...that made Lili cry more. But she did her best to calm herself down.

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