New Life pt 1

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Sometimes life will throw you a curveball.

Something that is completely unexpected.

Betty and Jughead found out they were having a baby when they were only 16.

At first they were both terrified.

Not only because they were going to be teen parents, but because they didn't know how their parents would react.

For the most part they reacted well.

At first they were all angry, but then they became supportive.

Alice helped her daughter everyday, with literally everything while FP kept Jughead in line.

Now they have a five month old baby girl who has made everyone's lives so much happier.

But things began to change.

It was the end of summer before Betty and Jughead's Junior year of high school.

Neither of them were planning on going back to school because they had a baby to take care of, but their parents had different ideas.

Alice- Betty! Jughead! Dinner is ready!

Betty- Coming!

The two of them walked downstairs with Maddie resting in her mothers arms, then they went to the kitchen.

Immediately they saw Alice and FP putting all the food on the table, but as they sat down they realised something was off.

Jughead- Dad, Alice, what is it?

The two adults looked at each other before looking back at the two kids...then they spoke.

Alice- We've decided you two should go back to school in the fall.

Betty- Mom, we have a daughter now, we can't just-

FP- We get that, that's why we're thinking about taking guardianship of her.

Jughead- What?!

FP- Listen, we just want what's best for the two of you.

Alice- Exactly, you're only 16, you need to finish school and get a college education. Then you can be parents.

Betty- But by then she'll already be 6...she won't need us anymore.

Alice- It's what's best for you guys, and most importantly her.

Betty- No, what's best for her is being with her mom and her dad. (tears)

FP- Betty, this is what you all need.

Betty was about to respond again but before she could, Jughead looked at her.

Jughead- Betty, I think they're right. (tears)

Betty- W-What? How could you say that? (cries)

Jughead- Just think about it, they can give her so much more than we can right now.

Betty- B-But... (cries)

Betty looked over at their parents who were smiling, before she looked back at Jughead and nodded.

For the rest of the night Betty didn't say a word to their parents or to Jughead.

She just held her baby girl as tight as possible, like it was going to be the last time she ever would.


It was now really late, both of their parents were asleep and Betty was holding her sleeping baby in her arms.

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