Sick days

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It was 3 in the morning.

Lili and Cole were asleep in each other's arms trying to get as much rest as they could before their next long day...but suddenly they heard their three year old cry.

Tessa- Mama! Dada! (sobs)

The two of them jumped up and bolted into Tessa's room to see her sobbing in her bed, instantly Lili sat down next to her and pulled her into her lap.

Lili- Tessa, shh, you're okay baby. (softly)

Tessa- My tummy hurts. (sobs)

Lili- Aww, I'm sorry my love.

Lili rubbed her stomach for a moment before caressing her cheek, but then she realised her daughter's face was really warm.

Lili- Cole, can you get me the thermometer please?

Cole- Yeah, I'll be right back.

Lili held Tessa in her lap, trying to keep her calm, but then Cole came back with the thermometer.

She took her daughter's temperature while rocking her slowly in her arms but as she looked at the number on the thermometer she sighed.

Lili- You're sick my love, let's get you some medicine.

Tessa- No! (cries)

Lili- I know you don't like it sweetie but I promise it'll make you feel better.

Lili carried the little girl on her hip while Cole grabbed the medicine.

It took them a few minutes to get their daughter to take it but once she did she became really tired and fell asleep on her mother's shoulder.

Then Lili looked at Cole and sighed.

Cole- Are you going to take off tomorrow?

Lili- Yeah, I mean I can't just send her to daycare like this.

Cole- Yeah I know...but we could take her to work with us..?

Lili- No, that will be torture for her, she just needs to be home and sleep.

Cole- (nods) We'll figure it out in the morning, let's just get back in bed.

Lili nodded and they went to their bedroom with their daughter still with them.

Lili placed Tessa down in the middle of the bed while she and Cole got under the covers beside her, then they all just fell asleep together.

But a few hours later, Tessa woke up crying again.

She tried getting off the bed but Lili and Cole woke up, stopping her.

Tessa- Mama, sicky. (sobs)

Lili- I know baby girl, I know.

Lili rubbed her back, trying to get her to stop crying, but at this point she practically looked green.

Tessa pulled away from her mother and jumped off the bed, but she didn't make it far before throwing up on the floor.

Tessa- Mama, Dada... (sobs)

Cole- Shh, Tess, it's okay.

They got up and Lili grabbed Tessa, picking her back up into her arms, while Cole cleaned up the mess.

But as soon as everything was clean, Lili's alarm had gone off making Cole sigh.

Cole- Well, I have to get ready for work...Lil's, you're good here?

Lili- Yeah I've got her.

Cole- Okay, Tess, please be good for mommy.

She nodded but didn't move her head from her mother's neck.

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