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Lili was the kind of person who was always tired. Like it didn't even matter if she got 24 hours of sleep because she would still be exhausted in the morning.

But lately she had been more tired than usual.

She could barely get out of bed in the morning, she always needed to lay down and her head would hurt if she didn't keep her eyes closed.

But thankfully she and Cole got the day off. So now all they needed to do was sleep.

Cole had woken up around 9:00 in the morning with her girlfriend laying fully on top of him.

He chuckled and ran his fingers through her hair and up and down her back until she woke up.

As her eyes opened she winced having had this weird feeling that she had never experienced before.

Cole instantly became nervous and held onto while speaking to her softly.

Cole- Babe, are you okay?

Lili- Mhm...it just h-hurts a little bit. (squints)

Cole- What does?

She pointed to her boobs and they both chuckled lightly.

Lili- I think I'm getting my period. (sighs)

Cole- Well that would explain why you've been so tired lately.

She nodded and moved so she could get more comfortable but she hit her breast, increasing the pain that she had been feeling.

Then a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

Cole- Shh, you're okay.

He placed his hand on her cheek, wiping her tears away before pulling her into his lap and begging to massage her breasts lightly.

She let out a deep breath and leaned her head against his chest finally feeling free of that pain.

After a few minutes he stopped but continued to hold her in his lap.

Lili- Thank you, that felt really good.

Cole- You don't need to thank me bub, I'm always here to relieve your pain.

He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before she got up and went into the bathroom. But when she came out she had a concerned look on her face.

Cole- Lil's, what is it?

Lili- What day is it?

Cole- The 25th why?

Lili- C-Cole, my period is two weeks late.

Cole- O-Oh...

Lili- I d-didn't even notice, I mean we've been so busy with work a-and- (quickly)

Cole- Hey, slow down. Take a deep breath.

She looked into his eyes and took a deep breath before he took her hands.

Cole- Now, do you think you're pregnant?

Lili- I m-might be...but we were always careful. (tears)

Cole- Exactly, so you could've just missed your period because of stress. There's no need to freak out.

She nodded and took another deep breath.

Cole- Okay, do you have a test here?

Lili- Yeah.

Cole- Do you want to take it now?

Lili- I guess.

Cole- (nods) I'll be right here if you need me.

Lili- O-Okay...

She got up and went back into the bathroom before grabbing one of her pregnancy tests from her drawer.

She always had a few just in case anything happened.

I mean she and Cole had sex a lot, so it wasn't like it couldn't happen...she needed to be prepared.

She took the test and looked down at it for a moment before walking back out to her boyfriend.

She placed the stick down next to them and looked down at it while her hands began to shake.

Cole- Baby, calm down.

Lili- Are you going to hate me? (cries)

Cole- What?

Lili- If I'm pregnant, are you going to hate me? (cries)

Cole- No, babe, I could never hate you, especially about that.

Lili- Are you sure? (sniffles)

Cole- Yes.

They sat there for a few minutes silently while Cole held Lili's hands until he finally spoke.

Cole- Do you want to look.

Lili- I'm scared. (tears)

Cole- Do you want me to look?

Lili- Can we do it together? (tears)

Cole- Yeah come here.

He pulled her into his lap and ran his fingers up and down her arm until she finally picked up the small stick and turned it over.


Lili- S-Shit. (cries)

She placed the test down next to her while letting her head fall into her hands.

Then Cole wrapped his arms around her stomach rubbing it ever so lightly.

Cole- I know this is unexpected, but we can do this, together.

Lili- Seriously, you want this? (cries)

Cole- Lil's, I've already thought about this. I want to have kids with you and I want to get married to you. I know this is sooner than we expected but this will be amazing.

Lili- You always know how to make me feel better. (tears)

Cole- That's what I'm here for...and just so you know I hope this baby is a girl so she looks just like you.


Eight months later they had a baby girl and she looked exactly like Lili. They named her Ella Rose Sprouse. No, she wasn't planned but she was the best thing that could've ever happened to them.

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