Dysfunctional Family Pt 1

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It was finally the day that the couple had been waiting months for...their wedding day. But for some reason, Lili was freaking out, and nothing was calming her down.

Cami- Lil's, you're fine! You guys have been together for years, there's nothing to worry about.

Lili- I know... (softly)

She said while pacing.

Lili- But something doesn't feel right, and I don't know what it is.

Cami- Everything is fine. In a few minutes you are going to walk down that aisle and marry the love of your life...everything is perfect.

Lili- (sighs) I hope so.

Cami gave her a hug before her parents and sisters walked into the dressing room.

Amy- Are you ready sweetheart? (smiles)

Lili- (softly) As ready as I'll ever be.


The ceremony started with the bridesmaids and the groomsmen walking down the aisle, but suddenly everyone stood and turned, watching as Lili began to walk with her father.

She was still extremely nervous, but after seeing her fiancé at the end of the church, she was able to relax a little.

When she reached the front, where her fiancé was standing, her father gave her a kiss on the cheek before giving her away. The man in front of her took her hands and pulled her close to him before kissing her cheek, and in that moment, her nerve's disappeared.

Jack- You look incredible, Lil's. (softly)

Lili- Thank you, you look amazing too. (softly)

Officiant- Dearly Beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate this lovely couple as they take each other's hands in marriage. Love, like the bonds we witness today, is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and resilience. May your days be filled with joy, your nights with shared dreams, and may your love grow stronger with each passing moment. Now, before we get to the vows, does anyone have any objections?

It was quiet for a moment but suddenly the doors to the church opened and a man came running in.

???- I object!

Lili- C-Cole..?

He ran to Lili and stood in front of her...everyone in the room was silent.

Lili- W-What are you doing here?

Cole- We need to talk.

Lili- Can't it wait like 15 minutes...I'm kind of in the middle of something.

Cole- No, it can't wait. We need to talk now.

She sighed and turned towards her fiancé, to whom she was about to marry, and kissed him on the cheek before saying:

Lili- I'll be right back. (softly)

Jack- L-Lil's...please don't- (tears)

Lili- Nothing's going to happen, I promise.

Then she turned to Cole.

Lili- You have five minutes.

He smiled and attempted to take her hand, but she refused. However, he still continued to walk back down the aisle, so she followed him and looked around as all of the guests to her wedding were in shock.

When they finally made it out the doors, Lili walked into her dressing room so they would have a quiet place to chat, but before he could say anything Lili turned to yell at him.

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