I never stopped

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Addy- Lili! Lili!

Lili- Hey baby girl! I've missed you so much!

Addy- I missed you too!

The little girl ran to her godmother and jumped into her arms having not seen her in many months.

Sarah- Lili, Scott and I are going to be walking around Vancouver today but Addy really wanted to be with you. Are you okay with taking her for the day?

Lili- Of course! I'm supposed to be working until 9-ish so she can just stay with me for the night unless you want her back before tomorrow?

Sarah- Would you mind if she stayed with you tonight?

Lili- Not at all, I love having her around.

Lili tickled the little girl, making her giggle before resting her head on the girl's shoulder.

Sarah- Alright, we'll see you tomorrow sweetheart.

Addy- Bye bye mommy, bye bye daddy.

The little girl's parents had walked out to go around the town, so Lili now had the day with her goddaughter.

Her family was only visiting for the long weekend so they didn't have a lot of time together but she was so grateful to even be able to see her family that she hadn't seen.

Lili- Alright cutie, looks like you're stuck with me for the rest of the day.

Addy- Yay! Can we get ice cream?!

Lili- Babe, you just had breakfast. (giggles)

Addy- I know...but I like ice cream.

Lili- I know you do. (giggles) How about I get you some ice cream with lunch when we're on set?

Addy- Yes! Let's go now!

Lili- (giggles) Alright, alright!

The two of them walked to Lili's car and drove to set. Addy had never been there before but she was very excited, mainly for the ice cream.

As soon as they got to the set Addy jumped out of the car and held onto Lili's hand.

They went to the hair and makeup trailer so Lili could get ready for one of her scenes but of course princess Addy got to get her hair done.

Everyone in the hair and makeup trailer loved the little girl, she was so sweet and adorable...but once they were done they went to Lili's trailer so she could get her costume on.

Addy- Lili, why do you have to change?

Lili- Well you know how I'm on Riverdale?

Addy- Yeah.

Lili- For the show I have to wear specific outfits, this is one of the ones I have to wear today.

Addy- So you get to play dress up all day?

Lili- Kind of. (chuckles)

Addy- That's so fun! I wanna be like you when I'm older!

Lili- You're so cute sweetie.

Addy giggled reached her arms up to Lili.

She picked up the little girl before going to the Whyte Wyrm set where she was supposed to be filming.

And this was a scene with everyone so they were all going to meet Addy.

They two of them walked into the Whyte Wyrm set and saw everyone sitting around the table, but as they heard the little girl's voice they all looked up.

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