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Alyssa's pov

Going to bed that night with those words hanging over my head was hard. No one besides Nash knows that I have the nickname trouble. So how did Taylor know? I decided that I'll ask him in the morning. In the meantime I need to get some sleep. So I closed my eyes and dreamed of being in my own rock band.


I woke up with a pounding head ache and I couldn't breath out of my nose. I also felt really dizzy as I got out of bed and tried to walk to my dresser where my tissues are. Taylor was still asleep and as I started to fall, but luckily caught myself with the help of my dresser I knee something was wrong I just didn't know what.

I just thought to myself that maybe I have a stomach flu or just the flu, so wasn't too worried, I pushed this whole sickness thing in the back of my mind.

I walked down stairs to make Tay and I some breakfast. I started out with some eggs, and bacon and orange juice.

"Whatever tour making I want it" Taylor said walking into the kitchen shirtless. Damn do I have a hit beat friend

"Well I did make this for me and you so I guess you could have some" I said like I was giving up me last piece of gum. We both started laughing our asses off. I had no clue I could laugh so hard and so loud this early in the morning.

My laughter was cut short when my stomach started to do flip flop. And not the kind when your around you're crush. It was the kind that feels like your getting stabbed over and over again. I lost my balance yet again and fell agents the counter.

"Whoah Lis you OK?" Taylor asked walking over to me

"Yeah I-I just got a little light headed that all" I lied

"Okay just take it easy" Taylor tells me as he goes back to eating.

"Hey Taylor can I ask you something?" I ask

"Sure what is it?"

"Last night before you fell asleep and you called me trouble" I mumbled the 'trouble' part a bit "how did you know that people use to call me trouble?" I question

"Acacia told me when she was down here" Taylor tells me. Now it makes sense

"Did she say why they call me trouble?" I asked again. Damn I ask way too many questions

"No why?" He asked confused

"Nothing" I say laughing and walking away into my loving room plopping my butt on the couch.

I pulled out my phone and went on twitter because I haven't been on there on forever. I decided to tweet something funny but serious at the same time. Because why not.

@AlyssaPage_ : No one likes playin the lying game, it always ends bad

I hit tweet and it was sent. Seconds later my phone was blowing up with notifications. I mean I have 300k followers from tumblr but they never blow up this much.

Then I see why, someone commented on my last tweet. You'll never guess who yes Nash Grier ladies and gents. I guess he's has a bunch of followers too.

His tweet read

@NashGrier : No one likes a crazy girl who  tries to kill you

It mad me boil with anger I felt my little bit of food I've consumed in the past days creeping up my throat.

His followers started mentioning me in tweets and they weren't nice tweets, but my fans were doing it right back to them, and him. I decided to tweet him back.

@AlyssaPage_ : @NashGrier y don't u stop calling me crazy when u know nothing about me so byeee

We went back and forth with this twitter battle for a good 10 minuets. Taylor was yelling at me to stop that I was being stupid for fighting with him over social media when he lives right across the street from me.

"Your right Tay I'll go settle this face to face" I said running to the front door slipping on my combat boots that I had downstairs.

"Lis no stop!" Taylor yelled, but I didn't stop until I reached the middle of the street and my legs gave out.

Sending me crashing into the hard cold pavement, it knocked the wind out of me I was gasping for air, but none seem to fill my lungs.

My body felt as if it just shut down. Had no energy I was drained and lifeless.



Coming to and end

My eyes started to get heavey last thing I remember was hearing Taylor shouting and someone calling 911 then it was all black.

**Authors Note**

Heyy y'all I'm back haha

And guys u should go read my other book Behind the Bracelets my goal is to get it to 100k this year pls make that happen. I love y'all so much.

This was kind of short and stupid lol but comment what y'alls nicknames r

My friends call me either Lyssa, Lis, Lyssa Lou, or Lyssy Lou

Thx again for the reads tell ur friends vote, comment, and lastly u can follow me on my social medias

Instagram @AlyssaPage_

Twitter @AlyssaPage_

Kik LyssaDallas11

Every Good Boy Needs a Bad Girl (Nash Grier FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now